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Acting Mayor of Malang Stresses Importance of Synergy and Collaboration During Disasters

Klojen ( – Positive appreciation was conveyed by the Acting Mayor of Malang, Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat MM for the implementation of the Disaster Prone Socialization and Education held by the Malang City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) at the Ijen Suite Hotel, Tuesday (11/6/2024).

Acting Mayor of Malang, Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat MM while giving a speech at the Disaster Risk Socialization and Education 

Wahyu said that this socialization will be a reinforcement and provide a positive thought contribution to increasing awareness, alertness and preparedness for disasters. This disaster preparedness effort has been stated in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Sustainable Development Goals (TPB) number 11, namely making cities and settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

In this case, disaster risk reduction efforts are closely related to sustainable development. One of the social and economic developments is disaster risk reduction efforts for sustainable development in the future.

"If we look at the occurrence of a disaster, of course the impacts given can be wider and greater. Such as environmental damage, loss of property, human casualties, even psychological impacts," added Wahyu.

Thus, Wahyu revealed that in a good and proper disaster management effort, strategic steps are needed to deal with the impact of natural disasters. Both pre-disaster or disaster mitigation, and post-disaster. "Therefore, collaboration between the government and the community is very much needed to deal with disasters," he said.

Wahyu further said that it is necessary to realize together in disaster risk reduction efforts, there are vulnerable groups that need special attention, namely people with disabilities, women, children and the elderly. Where people with disabilities are often overlooked in disaster risk reduction efforts.

In fact, the involvement of vulnerable groups in disaster management planning is important because they know their own needs better. As with people with disabilities, although they are a vulnerable group, they have the right and deserve to be at the forefront of disaster risk reduction efforts through an inclusive and comprehensive approach to reducing disaster vulnerability.

"Therefore, as Acting Mayor, I feel called to emphasize the importance of cross-sector collaboration and cooperation between agencies as well as synergy between the government and the community in dealing with disasters. No one party is able to overcome disasters alone. We need to unite, work together, and support each other in efforts to prevent, handle, and recover after a disaster," explained Wahyu.

Through this activity, Wahyu hopes to increase community knowledge and preparedness in facing natural disasters. Because based on data from the Malang City BPBD, the number of people living in disaster-prone areas is 76.911 people and only 21.655 people have received training and socialization in 2023. So there are still 55.256 people who must receive training and socialization.

"With such efforts, I believe we are able to strengthen our togetherness in facing the risk of disaster in Malang city. Behind all that, of course I want to emphasize the importance of public awareness in understanding the risk of disaster and the steps they can take to protect themselves and their families," he explained.

One of the real steps is to change behavior and culture in creating a safer and more resilient environment. "Therefore, let's make this activity a momentum to strengthen steps and joint commitments in creating a Malang City community including vulnerable groups that are resilient and independent in disaster management in order to create a safer and more sustainable future for future generations," concluded Wahyu. (say/yul)

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