News inflation

Attending the National Coordination Meeting on Inflation Control, Malang City TPID is Ready to Follow the President's Directions

Klojen ( – Nationally, the current inflation rate is at 2,84 percent with economic growth of 5,11 percent. This is one of the best in the world. Even so, all parties must remain vigilant, remain careful and not be careless.

National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) on Inflation Control virtually from the Ngalam Command Center (NCC) Room, Malang City Hall

This was emphasized by Indonesian President Joko Widodo when leading the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) on Inflation Control held by the Ministry of Home Affairs in Jakarta, Friday (14/6/2024). The President of the Republic of Indonesia said that controlling inflation is very important and must be carried out by every regional head.

"If inflation is under control, it will not trigger an increase in the price of necessities. Therefore, every time I go to a region, when I meet with regents, mayors and governors, I always ask how much inflation is," added the President of the Republic of Indonesia who is familiarly called Jokowi.

By maintaining inflation, we will care about important things.” If inflation is high, the people will be directly affected by its impact,” added President Jokowi.

He further said that in 2050 the world is predicted to experience severe famine, if there is no anticipation. No less than 50 million farmers are also expected to lack food because there is no water. "So don't play around with drought and heat waves. In the next three months I have ordered various related parties, such as the Ministry of Agriculture and the ranks of the TNI Polri to distribute assistance of around 30 thousand water pumps, especially to areas with high rice production," explained President Jokowi.

This year, the government is targeting to build reservoirs and dams at 61 points. "In July, it is predicted that there will also be an El Nino storm, so with these various steps, it is hoped that rice production will not decrease," he explained.

In this national coordination meeting, the ranks of the Malang City Government together with the Malang City Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) also participated virtually from the Ngalam Command Center (NCC) Room, Malang City Hall.

Head of the Malang City Regional Finance and Asset Agency (BKAD), Subkhan representing the Malang City Regional Secretary agreed with President Joko Widodo's direction. "Of course we pay attention and will follow what the President said earlier," he said.

According to him, so far the Malang City TPID has always tried to ensure that inflation can be controlled well. "We always coordinate with TPID members, such as Perum Bulog, Pertamina, Bank Indonesia and the Cooperatives, Industry and Trade Service (Diskopindag) in an effort to control this inflation," concluded Subkhan. (say/yon)

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