Malang, Infopublik – The Malang City Government (Pemkot) through the Cooperatives, Industry and Trade Service is again holding the Smart Trader Market School (Sepasar Pedas).

On this occasion, Sepasar Pedas was held in several traditional markets in the Malang City area, namely Kebalen Market, Kedungkandang Market and Mergan Market alternately from Wednesday (12/6/2024) to Friday (14/6/2024).
Head of the Cooperatives, Industry, and Trade Service (Diskopindag) of Malang City, Eko Sri Yuliadi, said that the Sepasar Pedas activity aims to increase the insight of traders in the market so that they become active and smart traders when conducting business.
"With the presence of Sepasar Pedas, it is hoped that all traditional market traders will increase their insight into commerce, the importance of metrology. So that it will increase consumer confidence in shopping at traditional markets," he said.
Sepasar Pedas is an innovation created by Diskopindag as a program to complement the revitalization of traditional markets. Through Sepasar Pedas, the Malang City Government provides knowledge to traditional market traders in the form of training, mentoring, and other forms.
"This knowledge can be a provision for traders so that they have competitiveness with modern retailers in this free market era," he explained.
So that this activity is expected to run sustainably to continue to educate traders. Through Sepasar Pedas, traders in the Malang City traditional market are expected to be able to compete and can provide more trust to consumers so that they continue to shop at the traditional market comfortably. So that traditional and modern aspects can grow and develop together.
This time, Sepasar Pedas also presents expert speakers in their fields, including for the legal education program related to business activities from the Malang City District Attorney's Office (Kejari), speakers from the Malang City Diskopindag and UPT Legal Metrology. In addition, as a short-term breakthrough program, the Malang City Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) in controlling inflation, Sepasar Pedas is also collaborated to increase traders' knowledge about inflation. (Yul)