Breadfruit ( – Welcoming the 78th Bhayangkara Day which falls on July 1, 2024, the ranks of the Malang City Police are rolling out a program to renovate residents' houses. This program is a real form of Polri's concern and devotion to the community in need, especially for residents who are classified as underprivileged.

Deputy Chief of Police of Malang City, AKBP Apip Ginanjar, after starting the program to renovate residents' houses in the Karang Besuki Village area, Sukun District, Friday (14/6/2024) said that with this program, the presence of the Police is truly felt and is beneficial for the community.
In addition, according to him, with this program, the Police, who are the protectors of the community, will be closer to the residents, especially when their presence is really needed. Not only that, when there is a problem, residents can convey it to members of the Police, which can be done through Babhinkamtibmas and the RW Police.
"So this social service is one of them, this house renovation, which is a program from Jogo Malang Presisi initiated by the Chief of Police. The other day we also realized the renovation of the mosque and also provided scholarships to several communities who really need it," he said.
Repairs to various parts of the house, such as repairs to walls, floors and roofs of the house are targeted to be completed in the next week. This house renovation was carried out by a number of police academy personnel who were on field work practice, local Babinsa and Babhinkamtibmas.
This program, said Apip, will continue. For underprivileged residents whose houses want to be repaired, they can apply to the Malang City Police. On this occasion, the Malang City Police also handed over basic food assistance to several members of the Community Protection (Linmas) who have been helping the Police in maintaining the conduciveness of the community.
The program from the Malang City Police was also appreciated by the Head of Karangbesuki, Endy Sri Hartanto. "We are certainly happy and express our gratitude, because this program is very much needed, especially for the underprivileged," he explained.
"We at the Malang City Government also have a similar program, so the presence of the government is also felt by the community. In essence, we synergize with various parties in an effort to ease the burden on residents," he concluded. (say/yon)