Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – Ahead of Eid al-Adha 1445 Hijri, Pertamina Patra Niaga Jatimbalinus has increased the supply of 3 kg Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders by 1.797.160 cylinders or 136,6 percent compared to the average daily normal consumption in June 2024 which was 1.315.440 3 kg LPG cylinders or 3.946 Metric Tons per day.
Malang Raya (Malang City, Malang Regency and Batu City) received a supply of 249.920 cylinders from that amount or 150 percent of normal daily consumption. The additional supply of 3 kg LPG cylinders is expected to provide a sense of security and comfort for the community during the Eid al-Adha moment which is predicted to be accompanied by increasing demand in the LPG sector.
Area Manager Comm, Rel & CSR PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Jatimbalinus, Ahad Rahedi hopes that the additional LPG supply will result in no loopholes for individuals to take advantage of the situation.
"Before and after Eid al-Adha, we will flood the cylinders periodically, considering the prediction of high consumption and traditions in each region. Of course, the additional amount in each district city is adjusted. Like in Madura, for example, the frequency is more intense due to the Toron tradition (tradition of going home during Eid al-Adha), so there are more homecoming travelers compared to Eid al-Fitr," explained Ahad, Saturday (15/6/2024).
However, the public is still advised to buy LPG at Pertamina bases to get the price according to the Highest Retail Price (HET) determined and stock available.
"It's easy to distinguish an official Pertamina depot, if the price is above Rp16.000, it's not an official depot. It's okay to buy it because it's the people's choice, but if it's too late to take advantage of it, don't buy it. The retailers who raise the price are happier if you buy it," said Ahad.
"In East Java, currently, each village has at least two to three LPG bases. In each city or sub-district, there are at least five LPG bases. So there is no real reason, the community can increasingly reach the highest retail price of Rp16.000 easily. To find out the location of the nearest base, the community can contact Call Center 135," added Ahad.
For Malang City, the daily consumption rate of 3 kg LPG is 38.080 cylinders or 114,2 MT. The optional addition in June is 58.240 cylinders, the optional addition in June is 174,7 MT and the optional is 152,9 percent.
East Java is supported by three LPG supply points, namely Gresik, Surabaya and Banyuwangi with East Java LPG stock at the time of this release reaching 19.737 Metric Tons, with an average daily normal consumption reaching 3.946 Metric Tons per day, the stock is still in the safe category and is still able to accommodate a consumption spike of up to 5 times.
Although the stock is abundant, the distribution to the community adjusts the quota of each city and district set by the government, so that the additional supply has also been coordinated with each regional government. (say/yon)