Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – The Malang City Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) held a Plenary Meeting with the agenda of Delivering the Malang Mayor's Response to the General Views of the Factions on the Draft Regional Regulation on the Malang City Long-Term Regional Development Plan (RPJPD) for 2025-2045 in the Plenary Meeting Room of the Malang City DPRD, Wednesday (19/6/2024).

Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM when met after the plenary meeting expressed his gratitude and highest appreciation for the good cooperation and full support of the council members in processing the Draft Regional Regulation on the 2025-2045 Malang City RPJPD amidst the very busy legislative activities. "This is a form of synergy between the Malang City Government and the Malang City DPRD which of course should be appreciated and continued to be improved," said Wahyu.
On this occasion, the Acting Mayor of Malang read 82 answers to questions from the factions which were also submitted in written form totaling 38 pages. If there are answers submitted by the Acting Mayor of Malang that are technical and detailed, they will be discussed in the commission's working meeting session with the regional apparatus.
In the future, according to Wahyu, there are still many things that must be prepared related to the Malang City RPJPD. "Of course, in the future there are many things that we must prepare," said Wahyu.
He added that the RPJPD stages will certainly be related to the long-term plan, the regional medium-term plan (RPJMD) which is implemented every five years. "So technically related to the RPJPD, we will later include it in the RPJMD because the 20-year planning is still long," concluded Wahyu.
Meanwhile, Malang City DPRD Chairperson I Made Riandiana Kartika said that after hearing the general views of the factions, his party would immediately form a special committee (pansus) in an internal plenary session to discuss the 2025-2045 RPJPD.
"We immediately formed a special committee this afternoon, also an internal special committee that we specifically assigned to discuss the 2025-2045 RPJPD Draft Regulation," explained Made. (cah/yon)