Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – The submission of the Draft Regional Regulation (Ranperda) on the Malang City Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPD) 2025-2045 initiated by the Malang City Government was approved by six factions in the Malang City Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD), Tuesday (25/6/2024). The approval and signing of the Panperda were implied in a plenary meeting in the Plenary Meeting Room of the Malang City DPRD.

Related to this, the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Malang City, Erik Setyo Santoso, after attending the plenary meeting revealed that this RPJPD is a guide (instruction) for the Malang City program on an ongoing basis to follow up on previous development. The previous RPJPD has ended, therefore there is a new RPJPD this time, namely 2025-2045. "This means that for the next 20 years or for four periods of regional heads, the development program guidelines can be seen here," he added.
So in formulating the vision and mission by the regional head in the five-year RPJPD, Erik said that the development program would be sustainable. Thus the program is clear and like a ladder, to climb to the next ladder requires a process that is not easy and takes time. "It is impossible for big programs to be completed in 1-2 years, and even big programs can be completed in 2-3 periods of the regional head," explained Erik.
"However, this RPJPD is to ensure that every development will be in accordance with its track, namely running according to plan and clearly. This is for a better Malang City in the future, whoever will become the regional head," said Erik.
What needs to be noted, in this RPJPD there must be a projection of the city's burden for the next 20 years, one of which is from the population growth projection. "So from this population increase, the need for housing, transportation, and other things from the impacts of development should not be unfulfilled," he explained.
Erik further said, that is why the various processes of the development program must be arranged in this RPJPD. And in it there are also technical directions or instructions related to the population that is the burden of the city, there are job opportunities, guaranteed economic growth, per capita income, and open unemployment rates can be suppressed. "All of this is foundational in this RPJPD," he concluded. (say/yon)