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Minister of Home Affairs Reminds Regional Heads to Be Aware of Polio Cases

Klojen ( – Indonesian Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian asked regional governments (pemda) to pay special attention to the provision of polio vaccinations. This was conveyed by Minister Tito while leading the Regional Inflation Control Coordination Meeting which was combined with the Handling of the Extraordinary Event (KLB) of Polio at the Sasana Bhakti Praja Building, Head Office of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Jakarta, Monday (24/6/2024).

Regional Inflation Control Coordination Meeting in conjunction with the Handling of the Extraordinary Event (KLB) of Polio

Minister Tito assessed that handling polio cases would probably not be as difficult as handling Covid-19 cases, because polio is an old disease for which a vaccine already exists, so only a program is needed to drive its vaccination. "The priority is to carry out vaccinations, especially six regions and 27 other regions. The target is 95 percent, so that herd immunity is created," he explained.

Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin added that Indonesia has a high risk of an extraordinary event (KLB) of Polio, therefore Minister Budi asked regional heads to continue to encourage the implementation of polio vaccination in their regions.

"I ask regional heads to encourage their Health Office, their Regional Public Hospitals, if necessary, cooperate with the TNI-Polri. The operational costs can use non-physical DAK, so for the costs there are, just the regional heads help push," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Disease Prevention and Control Division of the Malang City Health Office, Meifta Eti Winindar, SST, MM, said that currently no polio cases have been found in Malang City. In 2024, Malang City will not be the locus for polio vaccination because it was carried out in 2023.

Meifta said that various innovations and interventions were also carried out by the Malang City Health Office in preventing and controlling the spread of disease viruses in Malang City, one of which was the innovation of the Toddler Immunization Support System Dashboard (DASI Balita) which can monitor the level of vaccination distribution in Malang City. This is not only from the Health Centers but is also integrated with other immunization service centers including hospitals in Malang City.

"This innovation is carried out to ensure high and even vaccination in all sub-districts in Malang City. If it has not been achieved, both the Health Office and related parties will intervene to achieve the target of vaccination distribution so that it can form herd immunity in Malang City," he explained.

In addition, Meifta also reminded all parties of the importance of vaccination, especially for toddlers. Therefore, Meifta reminded parents who have not immunized their toddlers to immediately immunize them and routinely follow the complete immunization schedule according to age.

"Vaccination is important to make children healthy to stay healthy. Because we cannot control human mobility, we need to fortify our children by giving immunizations, and there is no need to worry about KIPI, because the risk is much smaller than not being given immunization," he concluded. (iu/yon)0000………………………….

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