Press Release
Wednesday, June 26 2024
Malang City Government's Steps to Protect Land and Food Security
Malang City – Symbolically, the Malang City Food Security and Agriculture Service (Dispangtan) handed over Inpari rice seed assistance to farmer groups (poktan) at the Rukun Makmur Farmer Group Land, Tasikmadu, Lowokwaru District, Wednesday (26/6/2024). 2.100 kilograms of this type of quality seed that is resistant to brown planthopper attacks will later be allocated for 72 poktan in five sub-districts in Malang City.
Previously, the farmer group received subsidized fertilizer assistance and 53 farmer groups received agricultural tools and machinery (alsintan) assistance in the form of hand sprayers. With these various assistance, it is hoped that the harvest results will be more optimal.
After harvesting rice with farmers, Acting Mayor of Malang, Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM said this step was an effort to maintain agricultural land. In addition, the Malang City Government also provides tax relief to realize all of this.
So from this step, Wahyu said it can minimize so that agricultural land is not converted by farmers. For example, into a residential area or other functions and even sold. No less important, from a number of these aids at the same time to maintain productivity and food security.
"Today is an activity to see the productivity of agricultural products, especially rice produced by farmer groups and farmer groups. This also includes the direction of the Minister of Home Affairs yesterday on Monday, which conveyed to maintain agricultural lands in urban areas," he explained.
For information, until now the area of rice fields owned by the Malang City Government planted with rice is 15,5 hectares. While the land owned by farmers is around 925 hectares and from that area, 88 hectares are planted with rice. For rice productivity in one year it reaches 15.250 tons.
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