Lowokwaru (malangkota.go.id) – Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM expressed his appreciation for the change of the Chancellor of the Islamic University of Malang (Unisma) which was held at the KH Abdurrahman Wahid Hall, Pasca Building, 7th Floor, Unisma, Monday (1/7/2024). The Chancellor of Unisma for the 2018-2022 period with an extension until 2024, namely Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si, was replaced by Prof. Drs. H. Junaidi, M.Pd, Ph.D with a term of office of 2024-2028.

The Acting Mayor of Malang stated that the change of leadership of an institution is a common thing, with the hope of being able to progress and be better in the future. This also applies to Unisma which is one of the leading Islamic-based universities and has many advantages.
Furthermore, Acting Mayor of Malang Wahyu Hidayat said that so far Unisma has contributed a lot to Malang City and always supports various development programs implemented by the Malang City Government. "In the future, we hope that this good cooperation and synergy will continue to be strengthened," he explained.
As a university with a big name, and also in terms of achievements, Unisma is not inferior to other universities. For example, for scientific publications in 2015, there were 1.683 articles indexed in Google Scholar. In 2024, out of 24.860 articles, 358 articles were indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. Currently, at least 500 foreign students are studying at Unisma.
"That achievement is one of the proud achievements. In the future, we believe that there will be more achievements. Especially what the institution has planned, namely to become an international class university in 2027," continued Wahyu.
On this occasion, the man from Malang City also congratulated the elected rector and good luck in serving in other fields for the old rector. "The new rector will certainly continue and improve the work program of the old rector. We will fully support Unisma's program to fly to become a world-class institution," concluded Wahyu. (say/yon)