News inflation

Malang City Enters 10 Cities with Lowest Inflation Rates

Klojen ( – In the development of national inflation in June 2024, Malang City entered the top 10 cities with the lowest inflation rates. This can be seen in the presentation delivered by Plt. Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs, Commissioner General of Police Drs. Tomsi Tohir Balaw M,Si. in the Regional Inflation Control Team Coordination Meeting (Rakor TPID) which was held virtually, Tuesday (2/7/2024).

Malang City Enters Top 10 Cities with Lowest Inflation Rates in June 2024

In the presentation, it was stated that Malang City's inflation in June was 2,02%. This figure is below the national inflation figure in June, which was 2,51%.

With this achievement, Tomsi expressed his appreciation to the regions that were able to control their inflation rate and hoped that there would be changes in cities with inflation above the national average so that they could contribute to improving national inflation.

"The figure we achieved of 2,51% is quite a good figure, although previously in September 2023 we had reached 2,28%," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Malang City, Erik Setyo Santoso, ST., MT., who attended the coordination meeting from the Ngalam Command Center (NCC) Room of Malang City Hall, expressed his appreciation for the performance of the Malang City TPID. According to him, the achievements made by Malang City in June were inseparable from the synergy and collaboration of the Malang City TPID ranks, so that the rate of inflation in Malang City could be controlled well.

"From this close synergy, all problem identifications can be detected, and from there we can carry out mitigations from the start so that inflation in Malang City is controlled, managed and always monitored," said Erik.

He further explained that the mitigation steps taken from the start by the Malang City TPID, such as the allocation of Unexpected Assistance (BTT) to provide subsidies for volatile commodities, and direct monitoring during National Religious Holidays, have proven to play a major role in achieving Malang City's inflation figures.

"We have also identified that, so if the increase (in price) is still within reasonable limits, availability is there, and the community can afford it," he concluded. (iu/yon)

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