News Creative Economy

Watching Warm Ice Tea Together, Acting Mayor of Malang Says This Film is Inspiring

Lowokwaru ( – Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM appreciated the short film entitled Es Teh Hangat which is the work of young people in Malang. In addition to being entertaining, according to him, the 30-minute film contains many life lessons and reflections that can be emulated.

Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM while attending a joint screening of the film Es Teh Hangat at Mopic Cinema, Malang City

Such as how to maintain the integrity of the household, where husband and wife must always communicate and respect each other, how to educate children with patience and realize the children's aspirations.

Several things were conveyed by the Acting Mayor of Malang after watching the film Es Teh Hangat at Mopic Cinema, Malang City, Tuesday (2/7/2024). In addition, he said that the film also explores various tourist destinations in the Malang area, so this film will also promote Malang at the national and even international levels.

No less interesting is how caring for others when others are having problems. It is depicted in this film, when someone's vehicle breaks down, and when someone else is passing by, they immediately provide assistance.

As the title suggests, Wahyu said, from tea or drinking tea, there are many philosophies that can be learned to be used as lessons or practiced in everyday life. "By drinking warm tea, when we are tired or have a lot on our minds, it is believed to be able to calm someone down," he explained.

"This film is very inspiring, I hope in the future there will be more films like this. This is part of the 17 sub-sectors of the creative economy, so we really support the creative works of the nation's children. The existence of the Malang Creative Center (MCC) can be utilized," concluded Wahyu. (say/yon)

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