
Acting Mayor of Malang Reviews Jatisari PR

Kedungkandang ( – Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM inspected the Jatisari Cigarette Factory located on Jalan Kiai Parseh Jaya, Bumiayu Village, Kedungkandang District, Malang City, Tuesday (2/7/2024). This was done to see the condition of workers, health conditions, and infrastructure so that workers and the cigarette industry can go hand in hand in their development.

Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM inspected the Jatisari Cigarette Factory located on Jalan Kiai Parseh Jaya

"I appreciate the Jatisari Cigarette Factory that has provided opportunities and opened up employment opportunities for the surrounding community. Moreover, this cigarette factory also provides work opportunities for mothers who are no longer young, even with flexible working hours. This is something we should appreciate," he said.

Acting Mayor of Malang said this because in this cigarette factory there are many workers who are over 50 years old and on average have worked for more than five years. These workers previously had experience working in large cigarette factories, then retired due to age restrictions, but are still very productive.

In addition, Wahyu said that the visit was also to ensure that assistance from the Tobacco Excise Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH CHT) program was distributed and utilized properly. "We checked earlier, the sewing machine and oven assistance have been received and utilized. We will continue to ensure that this assistance is distributed, ask what they need, and what obstacles there are," he explained.

Wahyu emphasized that the Malang City Government also continues to be committed to encouraging MSMEs and industries in Malang City to further develop, one of which is by providing assistance, either in the form of machines or through mentoring and training programs.

Jatisari Cigarette Factory Manager, Zamroni admitted that his party received assistance in the form of sewing machines and ovens to improve factory performance. Zamroni said that in his factory there are indeed many workers who are in the elderly category.

"PR Jatisari has 350 employees, and most of them are 50 years old and above. Our workers are mostly alumni of large cigarette factories who can no longer work due to age restrictions," explained Zamroni.

That is why Zamroni said that the work at PR Jatisari is not forced and is a contract work according to the worker's ability. "On average, workers can roll 2.500 to 5.000 cigarettes. In fact, the older workers, from their experience, are faster because they are very well trained," he explained. (cah/yon)

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