Poor (malangkota.go.id) – The ranks of the Indonesian National Police managed to dismantle and uncover a drug manufacturing location on Jalan Bukit Barisan No. 2, Malang City, Wednesday (3/7/2024). Under the guise of an event organizer office, the house rented by the perpetrators was used as a production location for synthetic tobacco (gorilla tobacco) containing drugs, ecstasy pills and xanax.

The ranks of the Indonesian National Police succeeded in dismantling and uncovering a drug manufacturing location on Jalan Bukit Barisan No. 2, Malang City.

Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Kabareskrim) of the Indonesian National Police, Commissioner General Pol. Wahyu Widada when releasing this case said that the disclosure of the largest clandestine laboratory synthetic narcotics manufacturing factory was the result of the development of a previous case in a storage warehouse in the Kalibata City apartment, South Jakarta on June 29.

From this case, Commissioner General Wahyu revealed that his party secured eight suspects, namely YC (23) as the drug mixer, FP (21), DA (24), SR (21) and SS (28) who acted as assistants to the mixer. In addition, RR (23), IR (25) and HA (21) acted as dealers.

"The police also secured a number of pieces of evidence, 1,2 tons of synthetic tobacco, 25 thousand ecstasy pills, 25 thousand xanax pills, 40 kilograms of raw materials for inaka type narcotics which is equivalent to 2 tons of finished products (ecstasy and xanax)," explained Wahyu.

Furthermore, there are also various chemicals that when produced will produce 2,1 million ecstasy pills, mixing machines, shredders, printers and heating machines. According to him, from the various evidence that was secured, it is worth Rp143,5 billion. "This is a large factory and markets its drugs through e-commerce, using Instagram. These are their ways to disguise their products. The disguise is that it is not sent in whole form as drugs, but is sent in pieces. In the shipment, it is disguised or given a name that is not the real drug. For example, acetone, the label is not acetone, the name of the product/paint brand is written," explained Wahyu.

To make the drug, he explained, the suspects were guided remotely via zoom meeting from someone in Malaysia who is currently being hunted by the police. "In one day, this factory can produce 4.000 ecstasy pills," he continued.

From the disclosure of 1,2 tons of synthetic marijuana, it was mentioned that 1,2 million lives could be saved. While for 200 liters of precursors produced into 2,1 million ecstasy pills, 2,1 million people could be saved. Meanwhile, 40 kg of MDMB-4en-PINACA raw material is equivalent to 2 tons of product, it can save two million people.

"From this disclosure, a total of 7,3 million lives can be saved. Meanwhile, the success of this disclosure has the potential to save state financial expenditure from rehabilitation costs for drug abusers of Rp7,632 trillion," he said again.

The suspects were charged with Article 113 paragraph 2, subsidiary Article 114 paragraph 2, subsidiary Article 112 paragraph 2, in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph 2, Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics and will be subject to a minimum sentence of 5 years and a maximum sentence of death and a maximum fine of IDR 10 billion.

The results of this major disclosure received appreciation from various parties, including the Malang City Government. "We express our highest gratitude and appreciation to all parties, especially the ranks of the National Police. This is proof that drugs must continue to be fought and eradicated completely because they are very dangerous and have a negative impact on all levels of society," said the Head of the Malang City Satpol PP, Heru Mulyono, who was present representing the Acting Mayor of Malang.

According to him, drug prevention and eradication is the responsibility of all parties, not just the Police. Therefore, he invited all parties to always be vigilant and if there are suspicious things around, immediately report to the authorities, namely the TNI-Polri or at least to the RT or RW head. Similar appreciation and invitation were also conveyed by the Head of PCNU Malang City, KH Isroqunnajah. (say/yon)

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