News Arts, Culture and Tourism

Acting Mayor Opens Malang Mayor Cup Bird Singing Competition

Klojen ( – Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM opened the Mayor's Cup Bird Singing Competition at the Inscription Gantangan (Denpom) on Jalan Terusan Kesatrian No. 1, Kesatrian Village, Blimbing District, Sunday (21/07/2024).

Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM opened the Mayor's Cup Bird Singing Competition at Gantangan Prasasti (Denpom)

The number one person in the Malang City Government appreciated the competition which he said had many positive impacts. In addition to being a forum for chirping mania or bird lovers, this competition is also a means to introduce the various potentials in Malang City.

"This competition is divided into 20 categories and followed by 800 participants from various regions. This is a potential to boost the economy, for example in the culinary, transportation and lodging sectors, which of course will be in high demand," explained Wahyu.

He further said that any activity or event will have a significant impact on increasing the Regional Original Income (PAD). Such as from the parking sector, restaurant and lodging taxes. "A competition like this is very good, and we give our full support," said the man from Malang City.

"We also appreciate the committee and Denpom who have organized this activity. In the future, this competition can be held again regularly, because the participants are very enthusiastic," concluded Wahyu. (say/yon)

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