News inflation

Bapanas Appreciates Utilization of Cold Storage in Malang City

Klojen ( – Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Malang City Erik Setyo Santoso, ST, MT together with the Malang City Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) attended the Regional Inflation Control Coordination Meeting virtually at the Ngalam Command Center (NCC) Malang City Hall, Monday (22/7/2024).

Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Malang City Erik Setyo Santoso, ST, MT together with the TPID Team attended the Regional Inflation Control Coordination Meeting virtually

The routine coordination meeting, this time led by the Acting Secretary General of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Tomsi Tohir, in his direction requested that regions whose inflation rates are still above 2,51 or the national average, implement the strategic steps that have been set. This is necessary to maintain economic stability and public welfare.

"What we have done to achieve an inflation rate of 2,51 is very good, now we are trying to maintain it by focusing on strategic steps going forward, especially with planting," he said.

Tomsi mentioned several strategies in handling inflation, including strengthening coordination between regional governments and Bank Indonesia in monitoring and controlling commodity prices. Second, increasing the efficiency of goods distribution to reduce logistics costs. Another strategy that can be done is to ensure the availability of food and energy supplies. Tomsi also hopes that regional governments (Pemda) can work together with business actors to ensure that stocks of basic necessities are maintained.

The distribution of subsidized fertilizers is also still a concern of the central government. Of the 514 regional governments, until now 323 regional governments including Malang City have also reported the handling of subsidized fertilizers. "This fertilizer affects 62 percent of production. So please ask the regional heads to pay attention including this fertilizer problem," said Tomsi.

Regarding the use of cold storage to store food reserves, the Head of the National Food Agency (Bapanas) Arief Prasetyo Adi appreciated the City of Malang. It is known that Bapanas allocates cold storage for local governments can be utilized well by related agencies or BUMD in each region.

"If it is indeed managed by a BUMD, it will be better for stabilizing food supply and prices, as is done in Malang City which is utilized very well and maintained," said Arief.

The handover of the 12-ton chiller and 10-ton cold storage grant to Perumda Tugu Aneka Usaha (Tunas) was carried out at the end of 2022. The grant of cold storage and chillers to the regions was carried out by Bapanas as an effort to stabilize food prices. This chiller is intended to store chilies, shallots, and other vegetables, especially those included in volatile foods, namely foodstuffs that contribute to inflation. Meanwhile, cold storage is used to store meat. (ari/yon)

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