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Hydroponic Training to Achieve Food Security

Starfruit ( – Fully supporting food security efforts, the Malang City Food Security and Agriculture Service (Dispangtan) held a Hydroponic Training at the Grand Mercure Malang Mirama Hotel, Wednesday (24/7/2024). This activity was attended by the Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM.

Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM when opening the Hydroponic Training at the Grand Mercure Malang Mirama Hotel

On this occasion, the Acting Mayor of Malang symbolically handed over equipment assistance. "So the community is given assistance along with facilities and infrastructure, in addition to being trained on how to farm hydroponically properly by utilizing limited land," explained Wahyu.

From the representatives of eight sub-districts who attended the training, each sub-district received two pieces of equipment. "This is a stimulant for the community to be fond of planting with the hydroponic method," he added.

According to him, hydroponics is an effective cultivation method for planting in areas with limited land. In the future, assistance for the community must be carried out so that the development of urban farming can continue to be sustainable. "Hopefully the education provided will provide positive benefits in efforts to empower the community," he hoped.

Meanwhile, Head of the Malang City Agriculture and Food Security Agency, Slamet Husnan Hariyadi, said that this hydroponic training is an educational activity for the community by utilizing limited yards to cultivate plants using a hydroponic system in order to increase food security.

This training was attended by 160 participants from eight sub-districts in Malang City. "Each sub-district received two sets of hydroponic installations, seeds, fertilizers, water pump machines, so that after participating in this training, participants can practice directly in their respective areas," explained Slamet. (cah/yon)

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