News Seniors

City Government Provides Gardening Soft Skills in Elderly School Program

Breadfruit ( – The Malang City Government (Pemkot) through the Social Service, Women's Empowerment, Child Protection, Population Control and Family Planning (Dinsos P3AP2KB) of Malang City invited 135 elderly people to garden together at Rumah Alam Jaya (RAJ), Sukun District, Tuesday (23/7/2024). The activity which was carried out for two days was one of the learning activities outside the classroom in the 2024 Elderly School.

seniors garden together at Rumah Alam Jaya (RAJ) in out-of-class learning activities at the 2024 Elderly School

This potential development activity aims to realize Smart Elderly (Healthy, Active, Independent, Productive, Dignified). "This Elderly School is one of the programs in Dinsos P3AP2KB in order to provide soft skills to the elderly in Malang City so that they are more productive in their daily lives," explained Head of Dinsos P3AP2KB, Donny Sandito W.

Based on data in the publication of Malang City in Figures 2023, it is known that the percentage of elderly residents in Malang City is 13 percent or around 110.116 people, with details of 49.738 men and 60.428 women. The Elderly School is a manifestation of the Malang City Government's attention in ensuring that elderly residents in Malang City can live a Smart and happy life so that the quality of life of the elderly improves.

"So coincidentally this is an out class that we have previously implemented in class. Today's activities are included in the elderly school curriculum that we have determined together with the Ministry of Social Affairs, also input from elderly parents. So what activities do they like, so that later the activities in this elderly school can be directly practiced in their respective homes. So it's not a textbook, what they like and can support elderly activities in the area," explained Donny.

This Elderly School is one of the strategic steps of the Malang City Government to realize an Elderly-Friendly Malang City. Where the elderly must also have a forum and activities that can increase their capacity and be able to play an active role in society. It is hoped that this activity will be an effective forum to encourage the elderly to remain active and empowered.

"If this Elderly School is per sub-district, so the target of what is taught in this Elderly School does not stop at this elderly school, but can be applied in their respective residences," he concluded. (yul/yon)

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