News Disability Achievement and innovation

Acting Mayor of Malang Awarded at 69th Anniversary of SLB YPAC

Starfruit ( – In the commemoration of the 69th Anniversary of the Special School (SLB) of the Foundation for the Development of Disabled Children (YPAC) of Malang City on Jalan Raden Tumenggung Suryo No. 39 Bunulrejo, Friday (26/7/2024), Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM was awarded an award as a regional head who cares about disabilities. The same award was also given to the Malang City Police Chief.

Acting Mayor of Malang Wahyu Hidayat (second from right) during a group photo

According to him, this award is a real proof of dedication and is an appreciation for harmony and togetherness in providing attention and care for people with disabilities. "This award can be a motivation for all parties to continue to improve efforts in creating an inclusive and friendly environment for people with disabilities," he explained.

The development currently being initiated by the government, said the number one person in the Malang City Government, is inclusive development, which can be interpreted as a development process that ensures the involvement of all groups to create equal opportunities, share the benefits of development, and provide the widest possible space for participation in policy making.

"All of them are based on respect for the values ​​and principles of participatory, non-discriminatory and accountable human rights. Likewise in realizing inclusive development for the disabled that has been attached to the global development framework of sustainable development goals or better known as SDG's," he added.

With this inclusive development, it is hoped that it will not only strengthen the economic order to realize equitable development by involving more disabled groups, but also the social and environmental order.

Related to this, Wahyu said that his party is very concerned about the participation and support of colleagues with disabilities in every development program. Therefore, the Malang City Government is committed to providing protection and empowerment of disabilities in order to realize independence, equal rights and opportunities and improve the abilities of people with disabilities in all aspects of life and livelihood, and this has been implemented in the Thematic Disability Musrenbang activities.

"However, we realize that every step we take in encouraging the involvement of the disabled is certainly inseparable from the role of YPAC. Given that YPAC is an institution that is directly involved in providing guidance and habilitation and rehabilitation services for disabled children to ensure that disabled people achieve and develop their potential towards independence according to their abilities," explained Wahyu. (say/yon)

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