
Opening Technical Guidance, Acting Mayor of Malang Explains the Importance of SIDT

Starfruit ( – Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM appreciated the Technical Guidance (Bimtek) of the Coordinator and Enumerator for the Use of the Single Data Information System (SIDT) Application led by the Malang City Cooperatives, Industry and Trade Service (Diskopindag) at the Atria Hotel, Malang City, Monday (5/8/2024).

Acting Mayor of Malang Wahyu Hidayat gave a speech

According to the number one person in the Malang City Government, this activity is an acceleration step from Diskopindag in following up on the decision of the Deputy for Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs of the Republic of Indonesia No. 7 of 2024 dated July 2, 2024 concerning Complete Data Collection of Cooperatives, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.

"The compliance of Malang City Government as an extension of the central government in providing data acceleration or whatever is requested by the central government must be improved. Because this not only reflects work and performance, but more than that is a tiered cooperation effort to improve more optimal public services," added Wahyu.

The central government's commitment to developing Cooperatives and MSMEs to become more independent main elements is very high in order to strengthen the national economy and encourage the presence of a single database of cooperatives and MSMEs.

Furthermore, Wahyu said that the existence of data in the future will provide factual information and navigate the Cooperative and MSME businesses in order to create a more transparent business ecosystem and facilitate access for business actors so as to have a positive impact on the development of the national economy.

In Malang City, there are approximately 366 active cooperatives and 29.058 MSMEs that have the obligation to input or register these business actors through the SIDT application. "This data collection will provide many benefits, such as providing information about business actors, business units/companies by region or business field so that it can be used as planning and analysis material, both micro and macro data," explained Wahyu

In addition, it is also to obtain information on the use of labor, information on the structure of income and expenses from business activities and to obtain an overview of capital, prospects and business constraints as well as obtain information on the use of the internet in online business activities, franchise systems and ownership of business units.

"In order to produce accurate, precise and transparent data, officers are needed who are able to assist in collecting data in the field, as well as officers who can coordinate the implementation of KUMKM field data collection in Malang City," concluded Wahyu. (say/yon)

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