Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – The Draft Regional Regulation (Ranperda) on Changes to the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (P-APBD) of Malang City for the 2024 fiscal year was finally ratified and approved by the Malang City DPRD together with the Malang City Government. This ratification was carried out after going through the process of submitting the final opinions of the factions, making decisions, submitting the final opinions of the Acting Mayor, and ending with the signing of the council's decision and memorandum of understanding in the Plenary Session Room of the Malang City DPRD, Friday (9/8/2024).
On behalf of the Malang City Government, the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Malang City Erik Setyo Santoso, ST, MT representing the Acting Mayor of Malang expressed his gratitude to the ranks of the Malang City DPRD who had worked hard in a marathon until finally ratifying and approving the Malang City P-APBD Draft Regional Regulation at this plenary meeting.
"After being ratified, we will bring it to the province to be evaluated by the Governor of East Java before being stipulated as a regional regulation as the basis for implementing the Malang City Government's program activity policies," he explained.
After signing the decision and memorandum of understanding, Erik emphasized to all regional apparatuses to pay attention to four things. First, to immediately follow up on the implementation process of activities as agreed upon between the Malang City Government and the Malang City DPRD in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations by paying attention to aspects of efficiency, effectiveness, right on target and paying attention to the time still available, so that the development carried out can be completed immediately on time and be beneficial to the community.
Regarding the activities that have been mandated by the central government, including handling inflation, extreme poverty, stunting and the implementation of Simultaneous Regional Elections, he emphasized that they must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of regulations that have been set and implemented quickly and carefully.
Furthermore, all suggestions and proposals that have been submitted by the six factions in the Malang City DPRD through the general views and opinions of the Budget Agency to be immediately followed up on their implementation. (cah/yon)