Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Malang City Erik Setyo Santoso, ST, MT officially closed the 2024 Supervisory Leadership Training (PKP) Batch III at the Gajahmada Graha Hotel, Malang City, Friday (7/8/2024). 40 echelon IV officials from various regional apparatuses within the Malang City Government were declared to have passed the training held from April 2, 2024 to August 9, 2024.

Improving the performance and quality of human resources is a must to realize increasingly optimal public services. Therefore, the Malang City Human Resources and Personnel Agency (BKPSDM) periodically holds various training for public servants, one of which is the Supervisory Leadership Training.
In closing the training, Malang City Regional Secretary Erik Setyo Santoso, ST., MT encouraged all participants to improve their work ethic and service. One of the things emphasized by the Malang City Regional Secretary is the understanding and skills in managing administrative products. Erik also encouraged to focus and not be distracted by other things so that the quality of work and service can be improved. "I hope the benefits of this training can also be felt by the community. Because of course discipline, loyalty, hard work, and optimization in work are expected to increase," he said.
Furthermore, the Regional Secretary advised to be wise in utilizing social media and using other information technology. "The information technology provided is intended to improve the quality of public services, not the other way around, including to avoid negative exposure from social media such as terrorism, online gambling, or streams that are not in accordance with religious values and Pancasila, and are not in accordance with norms and ethics," said Erik.
Meanwhile, the Head of Bakorwil 3 Malang, Asep Kusdinar, S.Hut, MH expressed his hope to the participants after participating in this PKP to increasingly demonstrate their existence as productive, effective, clean, creative and innovative ASN with learning products produced during the training through change actions implemented in the work unit.
"We hope that the results will not just stop here, but can continue. Because this is not just a complement, but a form of your commitment that must be realized," he concluded motivatingly. (ari/yon)