A. Highlight inflation

Attending First Coordination Meeting, Acting Mayor Appreciates Inflation Control in Malang City

Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – Acting Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan, ST, MM appreciated the inflation control measures that have been taken in Malang City. He conveyed this in the High Level Meeting (HLM) which was connected with the National Coordination Meeting on Inflation Control which was attended online from the Ngalam Command Center (NCC) room of Malang City Hall, Monday (12/8/2024).

Acting Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan accompanied by Regional Secretary of Malang City Erik Setyo Santoso and Head of BPS Malang City held a coordination meeting with staff after attending the National Inflation Coordination Meeting at NCC

Iwan said that inflation control is one of the indicators of good work performance that made Malang City awarded with the Best Acting Regional Head Appreciation some time ago. "I appreciate inflation control in Malang City. This is one of the good performance achievements with Malang City being selected in the Best Acting Regional Head Appreciation. Of course, we need to maintain this hard work," he invited.

Iwan added that the month-to-month (mtm) inflation in Malang City in July 2024 at 1,8% showed good performance in controlling inflation. Even so, Iwan still reminded all parties to remain vigilant, because according to him, with the history of deflation over the past two months, the Malang City TPID needs to be aware of whether there is a possibility of a decline in people's purchasing power.

"We need to do this in order to maintain not only our deflation down, but how to maintain our purchasing power. Control is not only the decline, but how its stability is related to controlling inflation," he added.

Furthermore, Iwan hopes that in the future the synergy and collaboration that has been formed by the Malang City TPID will continue to run stronger, considering that efforts to control inflation are a priority mandated by both the Minister and the President in maintaining Indonesia's economic growth in general.

"I also ask that we continue to improve coordination related to inflation control, because this is a priority for regional heads in order to control inflation, and of course in order to maintain economic growth in Indonesia in general," he concluded. (iu/yon)

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