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Enlivening Independence Day, Malang City Government Holds Pedalling for Freedom

Klojen ( – Hundreds of cyclists crowded the Malang City Hall area on Sunday morning, (25/8/2024). Coming from various cities and communities, these cycling enthusiasts participated in Pedalling for Freedom: Celebrate 79 Years of Our Journey to Independent. Acting Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan, ST, MM personally sent off the participants of the event which was held as part of a series of events to commemorate the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia in Malang City.

Acting Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan, ST, MM sent off the participants of the Pedalling for Freedom event: Celebrate 79 Years of Our Journey to Independence

Not only to enliven the August moment, this event which is an initiative of the Malang City Government (Pemkot) was held to strengthen sports tourism, because Malang City has the potential and facilities to support the implementation of various sports events.

"I appreciate the holding of the Pedalling for Freedom event. Of course, Malang City is the right place for sport tourism. To open up to the public that Malang City is very beautiful, friendly, good to visit. And to be a city that cares about sport tourism. That's amazing," said the Acting Mayor of Malang enthusiastically.

There are 625 cyclists registered for this event. Participants are divided into two categories, namely Race with 330 participants and Non-Race followed by 295 participants. Departing from in front of Malang City Hall, heading south towards Jl. Kolonel Sugiono then back north towards Gunung Wukir, Batu City until finally returning to Malang City Hall.

In accordance with the age of the Republic of Indonesia, the cyclists covered a route of 79 kilometers with an elevation of 1.079 meters, not only that, this event was also enlivened by 79 local MSMEs. According to Iwan, the implementation of this cycling event has extraordinary appeal. His party also strongly supports the implementation of sports events like this in Malang City.

"I support an event like this to be held again, of course to introduce Malang City. In the future, we will upscale from participants, door prizes, and various aspects, with the hope that more people will be involved. Because sport tourism like this provides a multiplier effect," he explained.

Meanwhile, Founder of, Azrul Ananda expressed his appreciation for the implementation of the Pedalling for Freedom event. He said that Malang City can always package events very well and interestingly, especially since Malang City has the potential for sport tourism.

"I don't think all regions can create and become a place for sport tourism, in this case bicycles. It must have challenges and be attractive. Also supported by complete facilities. It's just a matter of how to package it. Some cities have potential but sometimes don't know how to use it. Malang City is very smart in using it, and I'm sure there are still many that have not been explored more widely," said Azrul.

One of the participants from the Sakera Racing Team Jember Community, Willy Alexander, also expressed his joy in participating in the cycling event in Malang City this time. "The track is beautiful, besides the event is also free. All facilities are also provided well. Come on cyclist friends, come to Malang City immediately," he said. (ari/yon)

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