Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – Acting Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan, ST, MM again reminded the Malang City Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) to continue to maintain inflation stability in Malang City, especially ahead of the big days that will occur in the remainder of 2024. He conveyed this at the Malang City TPID High Level Meeting after attending the TPID National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) from the Ngalam Command Center (NCC) room at Malang City Hall, Monday (26/8/2024).
Iwan said that the inflation rate in Malang City is currently quite good at 1,83%. Even so, Iwan reminded that the upcoming National Religious Holidays (HBKN) and the upcoming Democracy Party have the potential to affect inflation stability. Therefore, according to him, it is very important for the Malang City TPID to have a strategy that can be a guideline in dealing with inflation fluctuations that may occur.
"I am sure that the Malang City TPID has a strategy in maintaining this which is a guideline for us to move, including how we maintain the supply and price of basic necessities," he said.
According to him, this strategy is very important, coupled with the concrete data provided by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Malang City every month. This will later become a guideline for the Malang City TPID in maintaining inflation stability in Malang City according to the real situation and conditions in society. Therefore, Iwan emphasized the importance of good coordination from all stakeholders of the Malang City TPID in determining inflation control strategies based on real data.
"With our good coordination, we hope that we can have a record of what interventions need to be done, so that if something happens, such as price inequality, we know what we have to do at that time," he added.
In addition, it was mentioned that the important thing that should be the attention of the Malang City TPID is to change the focus from how to reduce inflation to how inflation in Malang City can be controlled according to the ideal figures conveyed through the direction of the President and the Minister of Home Affairs. According to him, the Regional Government (Pemda) often focuses on how inflation rates can be reduced, but often forgets that if the inflation rate is too low, it is also a sign of economic turmoil.
"Not only focusing on lowering inflation, but how to control it according to the ideal direction of the President and the Minister of Home Affairs. Don't let our mindset always be to lower it. Low inflation figures can also be a sign of a decline in people's purchasing power," he concluded. (iu/yon)