Kedungkandang ( – The State Civil Apparatus (ASN) must maintain neutrality and conduciveness in the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada). This was emphasized by the Acting Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan, ST, MM in the ASN Capacity Development activity which raised the theme 'Strengthening Neutrality and Anti-Corruption in Realizing a Moral ASN Work Culture in the Malang City Government environment at the Malang City Islamic Center Building, Monday (26/8/2024).

In addition to neutrality and conduciveness, the Acting Mayor of Malang also emphasized several things to the 642 ASN participants of the activity, namely integrity that must be improved, cultivating transparency, and implementing moral values which are an acronym for Service-Oriented, Accountable, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive, and Collaborative.
"In the midst of increasingly complex challenges and dynamics, two things that we must not ignore are neutrality and anti-corruption. ASN neutrality is not only about maintaining distance from political interests, but also maintaining integrity in every policy and decision we take," he explained.
He said this is very important, especially in welcoming the upcoming November Democracy Party, where the neutrality and professionalism of ASN are the spearheads in maintaining public trust as well as the main pillars in contributing to a fair and quality democratic process.
"We in the regional government are taking steps and preparations for the Malang City Pilkada. We have taken many of these steps, one of which is the signing of an integrity pact. Before signing the integrity pact, we provided briefings to provide information and guidelines to ASN on what is prohibited and not allowed," he said.
On this occasion, the Acting Mayor of Malang conveyed that anti-corruption commitment must also be the basis for every step taken. Corruption not only harms the state, but also erodes public trust in the government. Therefore, ASN must be an agent of change that instills an honest, transparent, and responsible work culture.
"This briefing presents competent speakers. There are from Bawaslu, KPU, including from Korsupgah KPK. With this briefing or forum, hopefully ASN can understand in detail regarding things that are prohibited according to the rules," he added.
In this ASN capacity building activity, the signing of the ASN integrity pact was also carried out to maintain ASN neutrality in the 2024 Pilkada in Malang City. Before the signing, the ASN echoed the pledge led by the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Malang City Erik Setyo Santoso, ST, MT.
"I hope that with the development of ASN capacity, the signing of the integrity pact, and the points conveyed by the Regional Secretary in the pledge, ASN in Malang City have the same commitment to increase the commitment of ASN neutrality in the implementation of the 2024 Malang City Pilkada. Regarding punishment, of course it has been regulated. We, the regional government, the province, have outlined it in the applicable regulations," he explained.
Regarding supervision, the Acting Mayor of Malang mentioned one form of supervision, the first is the existence of guidance, the second is the existence of an integrity pact, and the third is the existence of monitoring and evaluation with all stakeholders of the organizers.
"Previously, we, together with Bawaslu and KPU, have also signed an integrity pact to collaborate for joint monitoring at every stage. With this collaboration, it is not only about seeing political actors or people who violate, but ASN is also part of the supervised part. That is why we present them to provide training, to explain the regulations that we must obey," he concluded. (yul/yon)