News Arts, Culture and Tourism

Budoyo Ketawanggede Village Festival #2 Shows the nuances of the past

Lowokwaru ( – Budoyo Ketawanggede Village Festival #2 is back to relieve the longing for the old atmosphere. The festival, which is being held for the second year, will be held for three days starting from Thursday (29/8/2024) to Saturday (31/8/2024) along Jl. Kerto Pamuji, Ketawanggede Village, Lowokwaru District, Malang City.

Budoyo Ketawanggede Village Festival

The committee of the Budoyo Ketawanggede Village Festival #2, Mukti Wijaya expressed his gratitude that the enthusiasm of the community was very high at this festival. "The enthusiasm of the people who came was extraordinary," explained Pepel, Mukti Wijaya's nickname, Saturday (31/8/2024).

Reflecting on this, Pepel said that later his party will consistently hold similar festivals with concepts and performances that are certainly interesting. In this implementation, the Budoyo Ketawanggede Village Festival involves artists and also micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to raise and uphold the creative economy.

Carrying the theme of traditional and old times (jadul), this festival presents various excitement, starting from the old-time people's market, various UMKM products, entertainment stages, children's games, cultural education, and also involving the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Brawijaya University.

Various cultural performances also looked beautifully collaborated, such as the performance of Wayang Suket Mbah Joo, UMM Theater, Nylenthang and Kemangi, Badas, Lehman lukis and many others. "There was also a puppet performance with characters that were made in such a way that they could attract children's interest in loving culture from an early age. That way, it is hoped that our noble culture can be maintained and preserved," he said.

One of the visitors, Agus Setyo, admitted that he was very happy to be able to attend the Budoyo Ketawanggede Village Festival #2. According to him, the concept of the cultural village is getting better, and many young people are involved.

"For culinary, I like the market snacks sold here the most, they are very delicious. The atmosphere is thick like market snacks in the past, and they are also made traditionally," said Agus. (cah/yon)

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