News Achievement and innovation Press Release

Achieving WTN 2024, Malang City Continues to Improve in the LLAJ Sector

Monday, September 9, 2024

Achieving WTN 2024, Malang City Continues to Improve in the LLAJ Sector

Malang – The Malang City Government (Pemkot) has again achieved an achievement at the national level. This time, Malang City won the 2024 Wahana Tata Nugraha (WTN) Award in the Large City category from the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation. The WTN Award was presented directly by the Indonesian Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi to the Head of the Malang City Transportation Agency (Dishub), Widjaja Saleh Putra in Jakarta, Saturday (7/9/2024).

Regional Secretary of Malang City Erik Setyo Santoso, Head of Transportation Agency Widjaja Saleh Putra took a photo with the ranks of the Malang City Transportation Agency after the handover of the 2024 WTN Award at Malang City Hall

This is the third time that Malang City has received the WTN Award, after previously receiving it in 2016 and 2019. This award is given by the Ministry of Transportation as a form of appreciation for the Provincial/Regency/City Governments that are considered to have achieved achievements in organizing urban transportation so as to create an orderly, smooth, safe, secure and sustainable urban transportation system.

In the 2024 WTN event, Malang City received an award in the assessment of urban transportation performance with the best indicators in the large city category. Obtaining the WTN Cup signifies the maximum score based on the results of the assessment and evaluation of the Ministry of Transportation. There are five assessment indicators, namely traffic, road transportation, facilities, infrastructure, and general (innovation).

Regarding this achievement, Acting Mayor of Malang, Iwan Kurniawan, ST, MM said that this WTN award is real evidence of the hard work together in advancing Malang City, especially in organizing urban transportation performance.

"The WTN Award was given for our success in realizing safe, comfortable, and sustainable transportation, and is a symbol that Malang City continues to improve in the traffic and road transportation sector," he said when met separately, Monday (9/9/2024).

Likewise, Regional Secretary (Sekda) Erik Setyo Santoso, ST, MT said that this achievement was the result of collaboration between all elements, including related regional apparatuses and all levels of the Malang City Traffic and Road Transportation Forum (FLLAJ). Dishub as the main task and function bearer, is supported by DPUPRPKP related to infrastructure that is part of the road space.

Furthermore, there is the role of DLH which manages the park in the road space that supports the achievement of WTN, as well as various supports from various related stakeholders. "This is proof of collaboration and synergy so that we maximally get the appreciation, which we will continue to develop and cultivate," said Erik. (ari/yul)

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