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Acting Mayor of Malang Conducts Regional Apparatus Safari to the Manpower Office PMPTSP

Klojen ( – Acting Mayor of Malang, Iwan Kurniawan ST, MM again held a road show of coordination meetings (rakor) and limited evaluation for 'problem shopping', Thursday (12/9/2024). This time, the Acting Mayor of Malang visited the office of the Manpower, Investment and Integrated One-Stop Service (Disnaker PMPTSP) at the Merdeka Public Service Mall (MPP) in the Merdeka Square area of ​​Malang City.

Acting Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan in dialogue with residents who were queuing at the Merdeka MPP

After the coordination meeting with the ranks of the PMPTSP Manpower Office, the number one person in the Malang City Government went around reviewing services at each institution in the MPP area, starting from the National Land Agency (BPN) booth, Perumda Tugu Tirta, Bank Jatim, Immigration Office, and the Population and Civil Registration Office (Dispendukcapil). "I want to optimize the main tasks and functions (tupoksi), how to improve public services, especially at the PMPTSP Manpower Office," said Pj. Iwan.

The man who previously served as Acting Regent of Lebak, Banten, said that his party is also focused on work targets and the availability of accurate data related to residents who want to work in Malang City.

After the data is complete, he said that coaching and strengthening of the abilities of the job seekers must be carried out, so that this will become strong capital and provide a great opportunity to be accepted at the company or agency where the person concerned submitted the job application.

"If the tasks and functions of the PMPTSP Manpower Office have been carried out well, then we want to intervene. We will help connect and facilitate job seekers with the world of work," explained Pj. Iwan.

After the coordination meeting with the ranks of the PMPTSP Manpower Office and reviewing the MPP, the Acting Mayor of Malang also held a coordination meeting with the ranks of the National Unity and Politics Agency (Bakesbangpol). Of the several things discussed, the most important thing was that his party wanted to ensure the readiness of Bakesbangpol in relation to the implementation of the Simultaneous Regional Elections which will be held on November 27, 2024. (say/yon)

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