Law, Politics, and Government

BKPSDM Malang City Holds Socialization of Functional Position Career Development

Starfruit ( – The Malang City Human Resources and Personnel Agency (BKPSDM) of Malang City held a Socialization of Functional Position Career Development in Promotion Services at the Atria Hotel, Wednesday (18/9/2024).

Malang City Regional Secretary Erik Setyo Santoso gave directions and opened the activity

Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Malang City, Erik Setyo Santoso, ST, MT, revealed that President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo gave direction to implement bureaucratic simplification so that it is expected to create a bureaucracy that is faster and more agile. This bureaucratic reform is not just about shifting Administrative Officials to Functional Officials, but is implemented optimally and comprehensively.

"This is one of the efforts to create a dynamic and professional bureaucracy. Where functional civil servants carry out tasks and functions related to functional services based on certain expertise and skills," he explained.

The hope is that there will be satisfaction of the community and stakeholders provided by the services of government agencies. "My experience so far with restructuring and simplification like this is a paradigm shift and also a cultural change," explained Erik.

Erik said that in the development of functional career positions there are regulations and mechanisms, for example in carrying out promotions, this will be conveyed by all speakers present at this socialization. The hope is that there will also be changes in mindset and culture.

For that, through this socialization, it is expected that the understanding of the implementation of the cooperation system and performance management can continue to be improved in functional positions within the Malang City government. Because in working, of course, there are dynamics, one of which is the dynamics of regulatory changes that must of course be understood and are so diverse. For that, in working so far, of course, everyone learns not only to work but also to learn about life.

Head of Mutation Division, BKPSDM Malang City, Hendro Martono, S.AP said that this activity is a socialization of career development for functional officials, especially related to promotions referring to PermenPANRB Number 1 of 2023 and PerBKN Number 3 of 2023.

The socialization activity was attended by 180 participants consisting of functional officials and also personnel management officials in the Malang City government environment. With the speakers for the socialization activity coming from the Regional Office 2 of BKN Surabaya.

With the existence of PermenPANRB Number 1 of 2023, there are new policies that need to be socialized and understood by functional officials. Especially in calculating credit numbers which currently use conversion.

"Because it is a conversion of SKP, it will be easier for functional officials to calculate credit points. In this forum, of course, they get a more detailed explanation related to the technical conversion for the promotion process," he concluded. (cah/yul)

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