Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – Mosques should not only function as places of ritual worship, but more than that, they should function as a means of educating, communicating and becoming a center for community activities in positive and productive matters.

This spirit must continue to be encouraged, because so far only the elderly are active and become mosque administrators. Therefore, how can this mosque become a place to empower various potentials in a sustainable and inclusive manner, especially those driven by the younger generation.
These are some of the things conveyed by the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Malang City, Erik Setyo Santoso, ST, MT when giving directions at the Mosque-Based Young Generation Economic Empowerment event at the Savana Hotel, Malang City, Thursday (3/10/2024).
Mosque-based economy can be a medium in an effort to empower the mindset of the younger generation to create new opportunities that not only improve economic welfare. "But in this case also strengthens the spirituality and morals of the youth," added Regional Secretary Erik.
According to him, this can also be a fortress in the midst of the impact of globalization without ignoring religious teachings. "Thus, the existence of mosques will bring a great positive impact to society," he said.
"It is hoped that this program will be a driving force, especially for the younger generation to have an entrepreneurial spirit that is economically productive and strong morally and ethically, so that it will have an impact on economic growth in Malang City," he explained further.
This activity was attended by 150 participants consisting of mosque administrators, the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) of Malang City, mosque youth and youth organizations. Several competent speakers in their fields, such as culinary and service business actors were also brought in with the hope that participants would later be inspired and gain insight in running a business. (say/yon)