News Law, Politics, and Government

Malang City Government's Efforts to Create Legal Certainty and Justice for the Community

Starfruit ( – Technical Guidance for the Preparation of the Draft Decree of State Administrative Officials in 2024 has a very important meaning for improving the quality of governance in Malang City.

Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Malang City Erik Setyo Santoso, ST, MT when opening the technical guidance held by the Legal Section of the Malang City Regional Secretariat

Decisions made by state apparatus are very strategic instruments in realizing development goals. Therefore, making good, correct, and timely decisions is a must.

These are some of the things conveyed by the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Malang City Erik Setyo Santoso, ST, MT when opening the technical guidance held by the Legal Section of the Malang City Regional Secretariat at the Atria Hotel, Malang City, Wednesday (9/10/2024). He also gave his appreciation and recognition for the implementation of this annual routine activity.

He added that state administration is a state administration that carries out functions to organize government affairs, both at the center and in the regions. Therefore, it is important to understand together and later be able to issue state administration decisions that are based on applicable laws and regulations and are concrete, individual and final.

"This is to avoid conflicts and disputes in state administration. In facing the dynamics of national development, the sustainability of transparent and accountable public services is a priority," added Regional Secretary Erik.

He emphasized that the Decision of the State Administrative Official which can be a legal basis for regulating government administrative actions has an important role in creating harmony between laws and regulations and the implementation of policies in the field.

In addition, the preparation of this decision also aims to strengthen the supervisory function and ensure the compliance of the apparatus with applicable legal provisions. "Therefore, a deep understanding of the procedures and substance of the preparation of decisions is very necessary. Given the changes and development of regulations in the field of state administration, State Administrative Officials are required to always update their knowledge and skills," explained Erik.

He further said that this is important so that the quality of the decision-making process can meet the established legal standards and be based on good legal principles, transparency and accountability.

"Thus, it can create legal certainty and justice for the community. In relation to this, through this technical guidance, it is hoped that we can all understand and master various aspects related to the preparation of decisions, so that we can produce quality legal products and in accordance with applicable regulations," he explained.

Erik also emphasized the importance of good collaboration and communication between agencies. In this increasingly complex era, synergy between agencies is essential to achieve common goals. Erik also invited everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to exchange ideas, share experiences, and build stronger networks.

"I hope that after participating in this technical guidance, we can all apply the knowledge and skills gained in our daily tasks, and be able to make a real contribution to the progress of our beloved Malang City by presenting legal products that are accountable and have integrity," he said.

All efforts made, he said, are none other than in order to improve the ability and quality of the Malang City government apparatus, with the hope of increasing professionalism that leads to quality service to the community. (say/yon)

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