News Arts, Culture and Tourism

Brother Nauval and Sister Nova Take on the Task of Becoming Malang City Tourism Ambassadors 2024

Starfruit ( – Kakang Nauval and Mbakyu Nova were officially crowned as Kakang and Mbakyu of Malang City in 2024, Saturday (12/10/2024). From 250 participants, both were selected as Malang City Tourism Ambassadors through a very long selection, assessment, and quarantine process.

Brother and Sister of Malang City 2024

The Grand Final of the 2024 Malang City Kakang Mbakyu Election held at the Malang Creative Center (MCC) was also very lively. The event, which was held thanks to a collaboration between the Malang City Youth, Sports, and Tourism Agency (Disporapar) and the Malang City Kakang Mbakyu Association (Pakandayu), presented a variety of cheerful and lively performances from the young talents of Malang City. Supported by colorful clothes that blended beautifully with the music and lighting arrangements and the stage background, this event was even more lively.

Carrying the theme 'Malang City: A City of Endless Potentials', this year's event wants to show a variety of potentials and creativity balanced with the ability to continue to inspire and empower the community. This variety of potential is certainly expected to attract more tourists and provide unlimited opportunities for growth, exploration, and inspiration.

Head of the Malang City Disporapar Baihaqi, S.Pd, SE, M.Si said that the Kakang Mbakyu Selection, which is an annual routine agenda, aims to find the best talents who will be selected as tourism ambassadors to promote Malang City on the national and international stage.

Baihaqi said that Kakang Mbakyu is the face of Malang City, and has made many achievements for Malang City. "Kakang Mbakyu also continues to actively collaborate with various stakeholders and participates in socializing various government programs, especially in the fields of tourism and the creative economy to all elements of society," he continued.

Acting Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan, ST, MM who was also present to open the event appreciated the event to explore young talents as well as become a potential to support the movement of the Malang City Government in building Malang City. "We hope that this event is not just a place to seek achievements, but more than that, thoughts and commitments will emerge to build a better and more prosperous Malang City. I believe that the thoughts of the youth are very innovative, creative, which we really need to build Malang City," explained Iwan.

Iwan emphasized that the Malang City Government is opening up space for young people to realize better tourism in Malang City. "We have to think hard if we want to build Malang City with its tourism. How Malang City with its limited area and natural potential can also create tourism that is no less than Malang Regency and Batu City. Kakang Mbakyu is the spearhead of Malang City in the future," he said.

Furthermore, Iwan hopes that along with the passing of Malang City in the national selection and having the opportunity to hold the UNESCO World Creative City title, Kakang Mbakyu will also help promote Malang City as a Creative City. "I am optimistic that Malang City tourism will continue to develop with extraordinary potential as a Creative City. In fact, it is currently heading towards a World Creative City," he concluded.

At the peak of the 2024 Malang City Kakang Mbakyu Election event, the Acting Mayor of Malang presented rotating trophies to Kakang Nauval Hakim Rabbani and Mbakyu Nova Astrina Rachmadani who will carry out the task of being tourism ambassadors for the next year. Also present at this activity were the Acting Chairperson of the Malang City PKK TP Septiana Iwan Kurniawan and the Regional Secretary of Malang City, Erik Setyo Santoso, ST, MT along with the Chairperson of the Malang City Darma Wanita Persatuan, Yuni Erik Setyo Santoso. (ari/yon)

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