Starfruit ( – The Malang City Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) held a Technical Coordination Meeting (Rakortek) in order to coordinate the implementation of synergy and harmonization of regional development planning in the natural resources sector in 2024 at the Atria Hotel, Malang City, Tuesday (15/10/2024).

The initiative to hold this coordination meeting is an effort to synergize central government and regional government policies in development planning. The synergy of development planning is intended to ensure the creation of regional planning support which is integral to national development towards achieving the vision, mission and direction of national development.
The government is committed to the 2025–2045 National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) by establishing eight development agendas (missions) and 17 development directions (objectives), where one of the development agendas is economic transformation with the direction of development implementing a green economy.
The Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Malang City, Erik Setyo Santoso, ST, MT, who was present to open the event, revealed that the green economy, which is part of economic transformation, is a strategy to achieve sustainable development goals.
"The green economy concept aims to create economic growth that is in line with sustainable development goals as stipulated in Presidential Regulation Number 111 of 2022 concerning the Implementation of Achieving Sustainable Development Goals," added Erik.
He added that green economic development cannot stand alone. Green economic development is the impact of economic development that takes into account environmental and sustainability aspects. Therefore, development planning documents that take into account environmental aspects and sustainable growth are important documents that will be key enablers in the implementation of a green economy that includes policy implementation strategies.
"Green economy-based development must be the basis of every regional development planning document, so that in the future, not only economic growth will be the target and indicator of development success, but also the sustainability of environmental development and welfare," explained Erik.
He further said that the current trend of green and low-carbon economic growth is a global policy and strategy. Several developed and developing countries are committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions ambitiously.
"Green economy is defined as low-carbon, resource-efficient and socially inclusive economy. The paradigm of inclusive economic development is oriented towards sustainability or environmentally aware, where economic growth does not explore and exploit the environment but instead places sustainability or environmental insight as an aspect that must be considered," he explained.
Green economy-based development is said to be a necessity, considering the increasingly uncontrolled environmental damage caused by development. The development paradigm must change, from brown development that uses energy inefficiently (wastefully) and is socially insufficiently inclusive to a green economy that is environmentally friendly and sustainable.
"The green economy has three pillars, namely social, environmental and economic. The relationship between social and the environment must be bearable, social and economic must be equitable, and economic and environmental must be viable (replacing the damage that occurs). By considering the concept of the green economy, an inclusive economic transformation program must include a number of efforts," explained Erik.
He further said that the first effort is to accelerate poverty eradication through social protection programs. Second, improving the quality of human resources, especially in the health and education aspects. Third, providing decent jobs. Fourth, accelerating the development of basic infrastructure such as clean water, sanitation, and public transportation.
Meanwhile, sustainable economic transformation, said Erik, must include low-carbon development policies and energy transitions directed at the use of New Renewable Energy (EBT), reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions, handling climate change, as well as environmental preservation and disaster mitigation.
"Indonesia now has a benchmark indicator for the development of the balance between economic welfare, social equality and mitigation of environmental damage risks called the green economy index. The green economy index is a tangible, representative and accurate measuring tool to evaluate the achievements and effectiveness of Indonesia's economic transformation towards a green economy," Erik explained.
The green economy index, he explained, also aims to maintain the direction of achieving long-term development goals and accelerate the implementation of low-carbon and climate-resilient development programs. "In the 2025-2045 RPJPN, the green economy index is set at a baseline of 70,70 and a 2045 target of 90,65," he explained.
Green economy in economic transformation, is aimed at high economic growth in line with increasing environmental carrying capacity and capacity to be sustainable. The implementation of green economy can also be a new growth through increasing job opportunities, green investment and development of green products.
"Although the green economy has become the mainstream of economic thinking, so far the development of the green economy in Indonesia, especially in the regions, is still at the normative level, or at least does not have a significant proportion in the implementation of the regional economic system. Currently, the implementation of development is still based on the assumption of Business as Usual (BAU)," he said.
The point is that in the implementation of green economic development, a set of rules, strategic documents, the role of figures and institutions, even socialization and internalization are needed so that they can be accepted and implemented well by local governments and stakeholders. "With this technical coordination meeting, it is hoped that green economic growth will begin to be initiated, internalized and implemented in the sustainable development of Malang City," he concluded. (say/yon)