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Malang City Government Encourages Business Actors to Have Halal Certification

Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – Acting Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan, ST, MM opened the 2024 Halal Market Day event, Tuesday (22/10/2024). The Halal Market Day will take place on October 22-23, 2024 on Jalan Gajahmada (next to Malang City Hall). The Acting Mayor of Malang said that this event is one of the efforts of the Malang City Government (Pemkot) to encourage micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to move up a class by having halal certification.

Acting Mayor of Malang, Iwan Kurniawan, inspects one of the booths at the 2024 Halal Market Day event

"We want to motivate business people to have a commitment to providing halal products. This is also a mandate from the central government so that all food and beverage products can be halal certified. This is also a leverage for business people so that their market will increase with the halal certificate," explained Iwan.

Iwan also said that halal certification is one of the government's programs to ensure consumer health and safety. "This is one of the events to encourage business actors to have halal certificates. Currently, there are 2.823 businesses in Malang City that already have NIB, but there are still 108 businesses that have halal certificates this year based on Disporapar monitoring," he explained.

Iwan said, with the UMKM upgrading, it is expected to spark economic growth and improve the welfare of business actors. A series of programs have also been carried out by the Malang City Government as an effort to empower UMKM, including organizing exhibitions, publications, training, and socialization that are carried out intensively and sustainably.

Meanwhile, the Head of Youth, Sports and Tourism (Disporapar) of Malang City Baihaqi S.Pd, SE, M.Si said that this event is not only a means of product promotion, but also to motivate tourism business actors to take care of halal certification as stated in Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism, and Government Regulation (PP) No. 39 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of the Halal Product Assurance Sector.

This year's Halal Market Day also provides a coaching clinic for business actors who have already obtained NIB. Through the coaching clinic, a collaboration with various institutions such as Kemenag, UIN, and UB, business actors can consult on how to take care of halal certificates.

"Actually, by 2024, everything must be halal certified. From the existing data, only about three percent already have certificates. Because it is still far away, we continue to strive so that business actors can immediately take care of halal certificates for their products. One way is by holding a coaching clinic. Having halal certification will certainly provide confidence to consumers and will increase their turnover," concluded Baihaqi. (ari/yon)

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