Kedungkandang ( – Malang City is the location for the Basic Competency Selection (SKD) for 2024 Civil Servant Candidate (CPNS) applicants. A total of 32.800 participants from various regions in Indonesia took the SKD at the Islamic Center Building in Malang City. This selection has been ongoing since Friday (18/10/2024) to Saturday (9/11/2024).

Prospective Civil Servants (CPNS) 2024 carry out Basic Competency Selection (SKD) at the Islamic Center Building, Malang City

Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Malang City Erik Setyo Santoso, ST, MT along with all related staff also had the opportunity to review the implementation of the selection, Tuesday (22/10/2024). This review was carried out to ensure that the 2024 CPNS SKD stages at the Islamic Center ran well and smoothly, both in terms of facilities and implementation.

The selection committee for CPNS Kanreg II Surabaya, Elisabet said that each test session was attended by 400 participants. "In one day there are four sessions, so one day there are 1.600 participants who take the test, except on Friday there are only two sessions," explained Elisabet, Tuesday (22/10/2024).

To ensure the selection runs smoothly, it was mentioned that the committee is conducting strict supervision. "Only exam participants can enter, and they are only allowed to bring pencils, participant cards, and ID cards," explained Elisabet.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Malang City Human Resources Development and Personnel Agency (BKPSDM) Totok Kasianto confirmed that the SKD was attended by participants from various regions in Indonesia. The Malang City BKSDM only acts as a host that provides facilities and technical needs for the implementation of the test.

"To support the smooth implementation of SKD, we have provided 400 computer units with 83 scheduled exam sessions. Regarding the assessment and supervision, it is fully carried out by the national selection committee (panselnas) team," said Totok. (cah/yon)

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