Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – Together with PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur (Bank Jatim), the Cooperatives, Industry and Trade Service (Diskopindag) of Malang City provided assistance to 150 traders at the Klojen Traditional Market in Malang City, Friday (25/10/2024). This assistance is in the form of market signs, aprons, and hanging banners or lists of traders' sales names.

Handing over aid to traders at Klojen People's Market

After handing over the aid, the Head of the Malang City Trade and Industry Office, Eko Sri Yuliadi, said that this aid was given to create cleanliness and comfort in the market, so that more residents would come to the traditional market, which would ultimately increase the turnover and economy of the traders.

Eko said, if the people's market is always crowded and loved by the community, it will also maintain the existence of traditional markets. This is in line with the increasing number of modern markets which gradually also affect the existence of traditional markets.

"Surely if the market is crowded it will increase micro-economic growth and also foster young entrepreneurs. In addition, it will also increase insight for the community, from children to adults to love the people's market," said Eko.

One of the traders, Dina Listiana, welcomed the assistance. Because, cleanliness is the main thing in the market so that buyers feel comfortable. When visitors are comfortable and well served, according to the woman in hijab, sales will also increase.

"Yes, hopefully the market will be more crowded, with many visitors. The importance of cleanliness is so that visitors who come here are comfortable. Thus, it will increase sales," added Dina.

Similar programs will later target 25 other traditional markets in Malang City, including Bunulrejo Market, Kasin, Sawojajar, Oro-oro Dowo, and other markets. In this program, Malang City Diskopindag will also collaborate with banks to provide non-cash payment services in the form of QR Codes. (say/yon)

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