Lowokwaru (malangkota.go.id) – The Malang City Education and Culture Office (Disdikbud) held a Colossal Drama Performance at the Mpu Purwa Museum in Malang City, Thursday (31/10). This performance is a real manifestation of the commitment to preserve and develop local cultural and historical heritage.

This activity has a positive meaning, not only presenting art and culture, but also educating the public about the importance of preserving and appreciating historical heritage. If we look at the background of the implementation of this colossal drama which is related to museum management, then its relevance can be taken.
Regional Secretary of Malang City, Erik Setyo Santoso, ST, MT revealed that the museum is a place to store historical objects and is a window that opens views of the journey of history, culture, and the struggle of the nation.
Meanwhile, this drama performance, said Erik, is an implementation to feel and appreciate the spirit that reflects the struggle and local wisdom. "This performance is a concrete step to revive cultural and historical values in a format that is close to the community, especially the younger generation," continued Regional Secretary Erik.
He also hopes that this event can be an effective and enjoyable educational medium for our young generation to learn more about the historical and cultural values of the nation. "To the artists and cultural figures who played an active role in this performance, we express our highest appreciation for their dedication and work," said Erik.
Through works of art such as this colossal drama, it is said that it not only preserves historical values, but also instills a love of culture to the nation's generation. Regional Secretary Erik also hopes that in the future, museums in Malang City will continue to develop and become interesting educational and tourist destinations for the community, both from within and outside the city, and even abroad.
"Let us together maintain and preserve our history and culture so that it remains alive and thriving in society. Especially now that the progress of information technology is very rapid and almost unstoppable. Let us protect our children so that they are not affected by its negative influence," Erik concluded. (say/yon)