News Law, Politics, and Government

Through Malang Music and Coffee Festival, Malang City Government Invites Malang Residents to Join in Fighting Illegal Cigarettes

Klojen ( – The Malang City Government (Pemkot) together with the Malang Customs and Excise Supervision and Service Office (KPPBC) Type Madya Cukai Malang continues to strengthen synergy and collaboration to combat the circulation of illegal cigarettes. One of them is by increasing knowledge and education to the people of Malang City regarding illegal cigarettes in the event "Malang Music and Coffee Festival Bersama Gempur Peredaran Cigarettes Illegal" in the yard of Malang City Hall, Sunday night (3/11/2024).

“Malang Music and Coffee Festival Together to Combat Illegal Cigarette Distribution”  

Expert Staff for Law, Government and Politics of Malang City, Tabrani who was present representing the Acting Mayor of Malang, Iwan Kurniawan said that the activity held by the Malang City Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) was a step to educate the public about the circulation of illegal cigarettes while uniting the creative community of Malang City. This activity is also part of the implementation of the Tobacco Excise Revenue Sharing Fund (DBHCHT) which has been allocated to improve public welfare and health.

"Of course, what is organized by Satpol PP in collaboration with various parties, one of which is Cipta Kreasi Perempuan Malang, (CKPM), I appreciate positively because it is our effort in encouraging a spirit of togetherness to eradicate illegal excise cigarettes. As well as strengthening the commitment to increase public awareness of the importance of compliance with excise provisions," he said.

Tabrani also mentioned that Malang City, which is known as one of the centers of cigarette production, also needs to be aware of the circulation of illegal cigarettes which can be one of the factors causing state losses. For that, the Malang City Government is committed to eradicating the circulation of illegal cigarettes through various efforts, one of which is by holding socialization activities in various events including art and cultural events.

"I hope that with this event we will not only enjoy the entertainment, but also build awareness about the importance of not consuming illegal cigarettes and also be aware of the state losses caused by the rampant circulation of illegal cigarettes. I am sure, with good synergy between the government, the community, and all stakeholders, we can realize a Malang City that is free from illegal cigarettes," he added.

Skilled Customs Inspector of Malang Regional Office (Kanwil) Customs, Hendro Try Noor Cahyo Utomo said from the socialization that has been carried out, the community has known and understood the dangers of illegal cigarettes. Nevertheless, Customs and Excise collaborate with local governments and other stakeholders to continue to strengthen the campaign to eradicate the circulation of illegal cigarettes that can harm the country.

"What is clear is that illegal cigarettes are very detrimental and do not contribute to national development. So we will continue to conduct socialization as an effort to educate the public about the dangers of illegal cigarettes," explained Hendro.

Meanwhile, Head of Investigation Sub-Section of Special Crime Section of Malang City District Attorney's Office (Kejari), Kukuh Yudha Prakasa said that Malang City Prosecutor's Office continues to support efforts to eradicate illegal cigarettes in order to prevent greater state losses. Currently, Malang City Prosecutor's Office has received one case from Customs that has been drafted and completed. From this case, the state suffered losses of up to Rp14 billion.

"The state financial loss from the action taken was Rp 14 billion. This is a very large value that should have been able to become a government revenue asset that could be used for positive things. The Malang City Prosecutor's Office strongly supports this activity, including by fully supporting the efforts of the Malang City Government to attack illegal cigarettes from various angles, starting from socialization to enforcement," he said. (iu/yul)

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