Kedungkandang ( – Bullying cases against children are a very serious issue to be resolved. In 2024, there were three reports of bullying cases received by the Social Service, Women's Empowerment, Child Protection, Population Control and Family Planning (Dinsos P3AP2KB) of Malang City. As is known, bullying has a negative impact on the physical, psychological, and social development of children.

The increasing massiveness of bullying cases requires collaboration from all parties to resolve them. The government needs support from various institutions, communities, and society to the smallest environment of children, namely the family. Including in prevention efforts, collaboration and synergy across sectors are also needed.
As one of the prevention efforts, Kedungkandang District, Malang City in collaboration with the Indonesian Clinical Psychology Association (IPK) East Java Region held an Anti-Bullying and Violence Against Children Training for Children's Forum Administrators as Pioneers and Reporters, Saturday (2/11/2024). In this activity, representatives of the administrators and facilitators of the Village Children's Forum throughout Kedungkandang District were present. Chairperson of the TP PKK Kedungkandang District, Rr. Hannie Purwandari Fahmi Fauzan AZ said that this activity is in line with the government's commitment to realizing inclusive and comprehensive child protection.
Hannie said that involving children in violence prevention programs has proven effective in creating a safer environment and supporting their optimal development. "Hopefully, the children's forum administrators can raise awareness about the importance of child protection and be able to provide education and preventive actions in their communities," she explained in the activity held at the Kedungkandang District Office.
Furthermore, the Head of TP PKK Kedungkandang District revealed that in this activity, the Children's Forum administrators were trained and equipped with skills to become pioneers in efforts to prevent bullying and violence. "With that provision, hopefully the role of children can be more active, so that later they can report every case of violence against children that occurs in their environment," said Hannie
Present as resource persons in this activity were the East Java Region IPK Indonesia Management who provided education for the children's forum administrators in Keduangkandang District regarding children's rights, how to build social skills, types and interactions of bullying, how to understand yourself, how to deal with violence against children, and motivating children to become pioneers and reporters.
In handling cases of bullying against children, the Malang City Government (Pemkot) has also had a Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) for the Protection of Children and Women managed by the Dinsos P3AP2KB specifically to handle gender-based violence against women and children in Malang City. Some of the efforts made by this UPT are handling cases of women and children. Among them are receiving complaints, outreach, case management, mediation, temporary shelter, to victim assistance (facilitation of post-mortem examinations, assistance from female and child psychologists).
Several channels are also provided to facilitate the community in child and women's protection services, namely through the website or through Whatsapp contact 082143715454. The community can also directly visit the Dinsos P3AP2KB Malang City Office at Jl. Ki Ageng Gribig No.5, Kedungkandang, Malang City. (ari/yul)