Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – The Plenary Meeting of the Malang City DPRD with the agenda of Submitting the Report on the Results of the Budget Agency (Banggar) Discussion on the Draft General Policy (KUA) - Changes to Priorities and Temporary Budget Ceilings (PPAS) for the 2025 Fiscal Year APBD was held in the Plenary Meeting Room of the Malang City DPRD, Monday (5/11/2024).
Spokesperson for the Budget Committee of the Malang City DPRD, Dwicky Salsabil Fauza, when reading the report on the results of the discussion, revealed that the draft KUA-PPAS APBD for the 2025 fiscal year could be discussed further by the Malang City DPRD in the next stage.
As a unity of the opinions that have been conveyed, in this plenary meeting, the Malang City DPRD Budget Committee submitted suggestions and input, including the decline in Regional Original Income (PAD) which must be a concern, considering its very large impact on programs and activities that will be implemented by regional apparatus.
The Malang City DPRD Budget Committee also encouraged the Malang City Government to continue to take strategic steps through breakthroughs and innovations in meeting PAD targets so that they can exceed the targets.
Next, to optimize the PAD target, it is necessary to make efforts to change or revise regional regulations related to PAD, namely the Regional Regulation on PDRD (Regional Taxes and Regional Retributions), the Regional Regulation on Advertising, and the Regional Regulation on BMD (Regional Property).
Responding to this, the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Malang City, Erik Setyo Santoso said that during the discussion of the Draft KUA-PPAS it had been calculated based on various studies, both academic, trends and current economic situations and conditions. "This PAD comes from several sectors, such as taxes, levies, transfer funds from the central government and from the Budget Calculation Surplus (SiLPA)," he added.
Regional Secretary Erik added that the SiLPA amount tends to decrease over time, because the spending mechanism carried out by the ranks of the service is increasingly effective, on target and has been carried out since the beginning of the year. "So for the 2025 APBD with the stipulation of the KUA-PPAS as it is now between the legislative and executive, early auctions for preparations for public spending can be carried out," he explained.
Despite the decrease in PAD, Regional Secretary Erik ensured that it would not impact performance or productivity in the ranks of the Malang City Government. "Everything will run well with or without budget reductions or additions in a number of departments. Previously, precise calculations have been made based on needs," he concluded. (say/yon)