Malang ( – The Department of Cooperatives, Industry and Trade (Diskopindag) of Malang City continues to innovate in the traditional market so that it continues to be more crowded and attracts the interest of visitors, especially young people. One of the steps taken is to invite a number of culinary business actors and provide seating so that visitors are more comfortable.

So through the innovations made, the traditional market is not only a place to shop but also a destination for young people as a place to hang out or gather casually. Head of Diskopindag Malang City, Eko Sri Yuliadi said that from these various efforts, many new business actors will be born, especially from the younger generation.
The transformation has been carried out in Oro-Oro Dowo Market and Klojen Market. With a clean and comfortable market, Eko said that it will also boost the economy of traders. Similar steps will also be taken in five other traditional markets, namely Kasin Market, Sawojajar Market, Sukun Market, Old City Market and Kebalen Market.
"We will carry out a transformation, namely making the market also a culinary center. We are targeting that the program will be realized in the five markets by 2025," he added.
Eko explained that the targeted market is a market that already has several criteria, one of which is that it has received a touch of revitalization. "Basically, the markets that we have revitalized, we will transform. What used to be quiet will become busy. And later we will promote and make it viral so that it becomes a new culinary tourism destination," explained Eko.
Eko hopes that with these various efforts, the traditional market will no longer be looked down upon. In addition, it will also attract more interest from young people to visit the market and even become a destination for them to spend time. "What is certain is that we will make it as comfortable as possible so that all groups can enjoy it," he concluded. (say/yul)