Lowokwaru (malangkota.go.id) – The 2024 Tunjungsekar Festival is an event to showcase the creativity of the residents of Tunjungsekar Village, Lowokwaru District, Malang City. Various series of events enlivened the activities held in the yard of the Tunjungsekar Village office and at SDN Tunjungsekar 1, Saturday (9/11/2024).

Tunjungsekar Village Head, Waluyo Safari expressed his happiness with the holding of the 2024 Tunjungsekar Festival. According to him, this event can be a place to channel the creativity of residents, from children to adults as a whole.
"Today's activities include group exercise, UMKM bazaar, hand washing movement with soap, cooking class, leadership workshop for children, fun color mixing workshop for children, barista art workshop, to health check-up," explained Waluyo, Saturday (9/11/2024).
Waluyo hopes that this activity can foster and increase the creativity and togetherness of Tunjungsekar residents. The 2024 Tunjungsekar Festival also accommodates Tunjungsekar Village MSME actors to introduce their products to the wider public.
On this occasion, Tunjungsekar Village in collaboration with the Malang City Health Service (Dinkes) provided education for children about the movement of washing hands with soap with the aim of introducing them from an early age to get used to a clean and healthy life starting from themselves.
Likewise during the cooking class session, this festival presents a resource person who is a chef from a famous hotel in Malang City. For the barista art workshop, a very experienced instructor is also present, namely the barista champion of East Java Province.
It is hoped that after participating in a series of interesting activities featuring competent speakers in their fields, participants will gain additional knowledge that can be developed according to their interests and potential.
One of the visitors to the 2024 Tunjungsekar Festival, Edi Susanto, admitted that he was happy to be able to attend the 2024 Tunjungsekar Festival in person. According to him, the activities presented and the creativity of Tunjungsekar residents from children to adults were extraordinary.
"It's a shame it's only for one day, if the festival could be held for several days, of course we could get more interesting and contemporary experiences and knowledge," explained Edi. (cah/yon)