News Law, Politics, and Government

Malang City Government Distributes Vitamins to Pilkada Officers

Starfruit ( – Health is one of the important points to achieve success in various things, including for the organizers of general elections (elections) and all elements in it. Considering the Regional Head Election (Pilkada) of Malang City which will be held on November 27, the health of the officers must receive extra attention.

Acting Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan (left) symbolically handed over vitamin aid to the Chairman of the Malang City KPU

The Malang City Government (Pemkot) also provided attention and support by distributing 6.000 vitamin packages intended for election organizers, namely the ranks of the KPU, Bawaslu and election officers at the city, sub-district and village levels. This assistance was symbolically handed over by the Acting Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan, ST, MM to the Chairman of the Malang City KPU, Muhammad Toyib on the sidelines of a review visit to the Malang City KPU Warehouse, Sunday (10/11/2024).

The Acting Mayor of Malang said that maintaining the health of officers to stay in top condition is very important, because the work that awaits drains energy and mind. "These officers need additional supplements and need to maintain their health. That is why we provide this vitamin assistance as a form of our attention and concern so that later the officers can carry out their duties well and in good health," explained Iwan.

In addition to vitamin assistance, the Malang City Government also provides health protection through BPJS Employment. This coverage applies to all officers who contribute to smooth the running of the Simultaneous Pilkada this time. "So if later there are officers who are sick or even die while on duty, they have received protection and guarantees," added Iwan.

Although there is vitamin assistance and health protection, officers are still asked to maintain good health, by maintaining a diet and exercising regularly. "During the voting, we will also deploy ambulances and health workers at the Polling Stations (TPS) to anticipate various possibilities," concluded Iwan. (say/yon)

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