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National Pilgrimage Ceremony for Heroes' Day at the Suropati Heroes' ...

Lowokwaru ( – The 2024 Heroes' Day Commemoration in Malang City began with a National Pilgrimage Ceremony at the Suropati Heroes' Cemetery (TMP) on Jl. Veteran, Malang City, Sunday (10/11/2024). On this occasion, the Commander of the Malang Navy Base (Danlanal) Colonel Laut (P) Hartanto, M. Tr. Hanla acted as the ceremony inspector.

National Pilgrimage at the Suropati Heroes Cemetery (TMP) Jl. Veteran Malang City

After the ceremony, the activity was continued with the scattering of flowers at the graves of the heroes to commemorate the services of the fighters who died fighting for Indonesian independence. The National Pilgrimage Ceremony was attended by the Acting Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan, all ranks of the Forkopimda, the Regional Secretary of Malang City Erik Setyo Santoso, and the ranks of the heads of regional apparatuses within the Malang City Government.

The theme 'Emulate Your Heroes, Love Your Country' on Heroes' Day 2024 according to the Danlanal Malang reflects a strong national spirit, a call to unite to maintain national identity, while strengthening the sense of love for the homeland.

"The National Pilgrimage and flower-laying ceremony is part of the 2024 Heroes' Day commemoration to remember and honor the services of the heroes who fought for Indonesia's independence," explained Hartanto.

This pilgrimage and flower-laying is a form of sincere respect for the devotion and services of the heroes who fought so extraordinarily for Indonesia's independence.

Danlanal Malang also invited all parties and the next generation of the nation to emulate the fighting spirit of the heroes, and fill the independence that has been achieved with sacrifice with various positive and useful things.

He said, by remembering the services of the heroes, it will certainly foster the spirit and love of the homeland and nation. "Let's continue to emulate the fighting spirit of the heroes by appreciating national values ​​and making real contributions to national development. Let's maintain the conduciveness and integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," Hartanto emphasized. (cah/yon)

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