Breadfruit ( – The poverty rate in Malang City until November 2024 was recorded at 3,91 percent or 34.840 people from a total population of 872.690 people. This figure decreased by 0,35 percent when compared to 2023 which was at 4,26 percent or 37.780 people.

That was conveyed by the Public Relations of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Malang City, Yenita Mirawanti, Tuesday (19/11/2024). According to her, central and regional government programs are one of the strong levers for reducing poverty rates. Some of these programs include assistance for the elderly, elimination of tax fines, assistance with education costs for underprivileged students, the Family Hope Program (PKH), and so on.
Meanwhile, uncontrolled inflation that results in rising food prices, said Yenita, is a trigger for low levels of public consumption. "This will be the trigger for the emergence of new poor people. In addition, natural disasters such as floods and landslides also give birth to people who are suddenly poor," she added.
So for the poverty rate in Malang City in 2024, it was stated that it had decreased compared to 2023. The main driving factor was the assistance provided by the local government. "So targeted assistance will definitely have an impact on reducing the poverty rate," explained the woman in the hijab.
Residents who are classified as poor are those whose monthly expenditure is less than or below Rp706.341. In addition, low education resulting in limited access, such as in finding work, is closely related to the level of poverty. (say/yon)