Starfruit ( – Malang City hosted the Public Service Innovation Development held by the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) at the Grand Mercure Malang Mirama Hotel, Wednesday (20/11/2024). This is a follow-up to various efforts that the Ministry of PANRB continues to make to realize more optimal public services, one of which is encouraging local governments to actively participate in creating various innovations to improve public services.

Deputy for Public Services of the Ministry of PANRB, Otok Kuswandaru, said that the implementation of public service innovation coaching aims to realize sustainable public service innovation. One way to encourage the participation of local governments and agencies to develop innovation is by holding the Public Service Innovation Competition (KIPP). Since the first time KIPP was held in 2014 until 2023, there have been 1.065 top public service innovations which are the results of the selection in KIPP. Of the 1.065 innovations, 252 innovations have been replicated by 631 agencies.
The development of public service innovation focuses on three important points, namely the creation of innovation, the development of innovation, and the institutionalization of innovation. "One of the added values in innovation is the usefulness for the community. Good innovation is certainly based on good intentions. Good innovation must be based on public needs. Therefore, our sensitivity is needed to find what the community really needs. Innovation that is not based on the needs, desires, and hopes of the community being served will be in vain," he said.
Meanwhile, the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Malang City Erik Setyo Santoso revealed that service innovation is one thing that shows the improvement of government work and performance as a form of devotion to the community, region, nation and state. "The implementation of regional government with all the challenges of change and the paradigm of bureaucratic reform, as well as increasing regional competitiveness; of course, will be followed by demands for innovative breakthroughs that include innovation in governance, public services, and other innovations, in order to carry out government affairs and achieve good governance," said Erik in his speech in front of the participants who came from various regions in Indonesia.
Erik emphasized that providing excellent public services to the community has become a commitment for the Malang City Government. Therefore, the development of public service innovations has become a must for every work unit within the Malang City Government. From year to year, the number of innovations developed continues to increase. Some of them were even selected and awarded as the best. Several innovations that were recorded as receiving awards were Black Gold Behind Piles of Garbage as the Top 25 in 2015, SEPASAR PEDAS (Smart Trader Market School) as the Top 45 in 2020, Intensive Center for Tilapia Cultivation with the Biofloc System or Si Ikan Nila as the Top 45 in 2021, and Jarik Ma'Siti (Interesting Learning with Special Students) as the Top 45 in 2023. In addition, two innovations that are the result of replication of Jarik Ma'Siti, namely NASI TIGA BERAS (Special Students Service Galas Entrepreneurship) from SMPN 13 Malang City and SIMBA ASIA (Independent Learning with Children of Satata Wiyata Mandalaning Bangsa Istimewa) from SMPN 2 Malang City entered the Top 5 in 2024 Replication Group.
"This is proof that we continue to develop innovations that are the capital for improving services to the community. However, we realize that there are five factors that contribute to encouraging innovation to work and continue to survive, namely the ability and creativity of innovators, the existence of a special unit to overcome innovation barriers, the existence of an innovation risk management strategy, the use of data, information, and knowledge power to innovate, and the flexibility of the budgeting system and budget allocation for innovation," he explained.
In this activity, knowledge sharing was also carried out by one of the innovators of Jarik Ma'Siti which was initiated by SMP Negeri 10 Malang City and has been replicated by several schools and even became a destination for study tours from various schools outside the region. (ari/yn)