News Law, Politics, and Government

Malang City 2025 Draft Regional Budget Approved, PAD Target Increases

Klojen ( – The target for Malang City's Original Regional Revenue (PAD) in 2025 is set at IDR2.388.390.433.739. This was captured in a series of plenary meetings between the legislative and executive ranks in the Plenary Meeting Room of the Malang City DPRD, Thursday (28/11/2024). The result of this plenary meeting was the ratification of the 2025 Malang City APBD Draft Regional Regulation.

Plenary meeting for ratification of the Draft Regional Budget Regulation in the Plenary Meeting Room of the Malang City DPRD

The PAD target amount conveyed by Acting Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan increased by Rp22.679.102.018,- from the previous year. Previously, the Malang City Government made a draft and submission of Rp2.365.711.331.721,-.

"Some sectors that will be the levers of the PAD include income from Malang City Government asset rental fees, such as the rental of Gajayana Stadium and Ken Arok Sports Hall along with all the facilities in it. In addition, also from the regional tax sector, namely hotel tax, restaurant, advertising, motor vehicles and Land and Building Tax (PBB)," he explained.

The existence of Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD), according to him, will also be maximized, both from Perumda Tugu Tirta and Perumda Tugu Aneka Usaha (Tunas). "The next homework, we in the ranks of the Malang City Government, the Regional Secretary, and the relevant Regional Apparatus (OPD) is to follow up to the provincial level for evaluation," explained Iwan.

He also hopes that the evaluation stage carried out by the East Java Provincial Government will run smoothly. "Hopefully this evaluation can be faster and better, so that we can immediately carry out the next stage," he hoped.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Malang City DPRD, Amithya Ratnanggani Sirraduhita, said that the target amount is realistic, because the potential income from the tax and retribution sector is very high.

However, Amithya requested that every regional apparatus, especially regional apparatus producing revenue, such as Bapenda and DisnakerPMPTSP to work extra hard to meet the determined PAD target.

"We in the DPRD will conduct control according to our main duties and functions. After we have a budget committee meeting, then we will map out again what levies can be good. Then what taxes can be increased, so after we discussed it together, it was increased yesterday," explained Amithya.

In this plenary meeting, the Malang City DPRD also requested that the education and health sectors receive special attention, both for honorary teachers, PAUD teachers, and others. (say/yon)

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