Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – The Indonesian Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) collaborated with the Malang City Government to hold an Innovation and Improvement of Government Goods/Services Procurement Governance activity through the Clearing House in the Meeting Room of the Malang City Hall, Tuesday (3/12/2024).
The activity was opened by the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Malang City, Erik Setyo Santoso, representing the Acting Mayor of Malang and presenting resource persons, Deputy for Legal Affairs and Settlement of Objections of LKPP RI, Setya Budi Arijanta and Head of Procurement of Goods and Services of the Malang City Secretariat, Eko Setyo Mahanani.
The Regional Secretary of Malang City read the speech of the Acting Mayor of Malang in appreciation and gratitude to LKPP RI. "Of course, this activity is an honor, as well as an opportunity for us in the Malang City Government to gain new insights related to the Procurement of Goods and Services. For that, we express our gratitude to LKPP RI because we consider this activity as a support and guidance for us in order to optimize the implementation of goods/services activities in Malang City as well as possible and in accordance with applicable provisions," he said.
Erik said that the procurement of Government Goods/Services is one of the important pillars in supporting the tasks and functions of the government, both in the provision of public services, as well as to encourage good governance practices, as well as in supporting the empowerment of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), the use of domestic products, as well as the use of local technology and innovation.
"As Presidential Instruction Number 2 of 2022, emphasizes that in order to make the proud movement of Indonesian products a success, procurement of goods/services must involve domestic products, MSME products and cooperatives. This is what we must always adhere to so that in its implementation we can realize efficient, effective and quality procurement of goods/services," he explained.
This forum is expected to be a medium for knowledge transfer, sharing, and dialogue in an effort to provide recommendations for the implementation of more effective, efficient and pro-domestic product procurement by fulfilling the principle of value for money in Malang City. "Through this activity, we also believe that we will be able to accelerate decision-making in a comprehensive, effective and transparent manner, increase capabilities in resolving government procurement problems, while maintaining public trust in the process of implementing Malang City government procurement of goods and services," said Erik.
Erik further emphasized that this form of synergy, coordination, collaboration and communication between the center and regions is what is needed. "Because from all of this, it will be able to lead to better governance in Malang City. For that, once again I would like to express my gratitude to LKPP RI for organizing this activity. Hopefully this cooperation will continue in the future, with one determination and commitment together to provide the best for the community, nation and state," he said.
Meanwhile, for all levels of regional apparatus in the Malang City Government who participated in this activity, the Regional Secretary of Malang City advised them to follow this forum as best they could, absorb the knowledge provided, and immediately implement it in their respective work units. (cah/yn)