Klojen (Malang city) – In the Semeru 2024 Drug Eradication Operation, the Malang City Police Narcotics Unit managed to secure six suspects with evidence (BB) of 166,58 kilograms of marijuana and one car.

Semeru 2024 Anti-Drug Operation

The modus operandi of the six suspects with the initials CRIZ, ADB, AJ, DIK, RID and SUK was to send the illicit goods through a delivery service. As a consequence of their actions, these drug dealers are threatened with the death penalty and a maximum fine of Rp10 billion. From the disclosure of this case, at least 54.526 lives were saved from the threat of drug dangers.

In the Malang City Police Press Conference held on Tuesday (3/12/2024), the East Java Police Chief Inspector General of Police Imam Sugianto said that his party appreciated the performance of his unit. "We invite all parties to participate in combating drug trafficking, no matter how small," said the East Java Police Chief.

A similar statement was made by Acting Mayor of Malang Iwan Kurniawan. He emphasized that drugs are very dangerous and detrimental to society, especially the younger generation. "The future of this nation's generation will be bleak if they are trapped and entangled in drugs," he said.

The Acting Mayor of Malang also appreciated what the Malang City Police had done. "We in the ranks of the Malang City Government are ready to synergize and invite all citizens to declare war on drugs," said the Acting Mayor of Malang.

Iwan further advised the public that if they see suspicious things around their homes, they should immediately report it to the nearest authorities, starting from the RT/RW Head, Babinsa, Bhabinkamtibmas, Polsek or Koramil.

"Let's maintain the conduciveness of Malang City from various disturbances and threats, no matter how small. Let's maintain the good name of this City of Education, and always increase vigilance in order to continue to narrow the room for criminals to move," said the friendly man. (say/yn)

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